Chapter 11

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Ranea's P.O.V.

"You were right." Sicora says looking at me.

"Right about what?" I ask

"Your husband is good looking." Sicora says making me laugh and wrap my arms around Kouen's waist.

"I am happy for you. Kouen." Sicora says making Kouen look at her.

"Yes?" He asks.

"Take care of her and your child," She says and continues, "it was very lovely to see you again and meet your husband."

"What! No you can't leave!" Dayanna yells as she jumps out of Kogyoku's arms and runs to Sicora. She then hugs Sicora's leg tightly as tears fill her eyes.

"I have to sweety. I promise you though, I will visit."

"Where do you live?" Judar asks joining the conversation with mine and Kouen's siblings along with Kouen's household members.

"I live in Mor Solianal. I am currently the watchguard of the entire place. Then maybe a few years after Ranea has the baby, she can work again." Sicora says making everybody look at me in shock.

"What do you mean. I told you that I was going to have to stop, I have more responsibilites now." I say slightly frustrated.

"It's not my fault. I told the sayers exactly what you told me. All they said was if I stay there any longer, there might be a chance I may never be able to leave. That my soul might be stuck there forever and they don't want that. A couple days later I argued with them about it and they said what they told me again and if I did want to leave, you would have to summon me." Sicora tells me as we sit down.

"I don't get what your saying." I say grabbing her hand.

"If I become part of Mor Solianal, I become a summon spirit. Meaning that for the rest of your life I will never be there most of the time. You would have to summon me just to talk let me spend some time with the kids. The worst thing is that I would be killing you every time you summon me because most of your Magoi will be going to Mor Solianal," Sicora says and leans closer to me and whisper sadly, "Ranea, I am already dying. The sayers told me that you have a year to make up your mind. If you don't, you might as well take your power back and let me become a permanent gaurd of Mor Solianal."

"I am not letting you die." I say tightening my grip on Sicora's hand. She does the same thing and smiles sadly before standing up.

"I need to go going." Sicora says and quickly wipes a tear off before smiling and turning around.

"Alright kiddo's, I have to head back. I will try to visit you soon." Sicora say as they all hug her. I smile as Sicora hugs them tightly and quickly pokes their sides before standing up and walking away. She then gets to the entrance and disappears in a flash and dark green and a hint of light green mist is left behind. It is then carried away by the wind and I hear Dayanna ask Max, "when do you think she will visit us again?"

"I don't know Dayanna. Soon though." He says. After a few minutes everything is back to normal and everybody is talking, drinking, or eating.

Time skip

It's night time now and everybody is heading home. It's weird because I thought everybody would have stayed the night and leave in the morning, but they aren't, and that's okay. Kouen and I decided to stay here for our honeymoon. That way, if I have the baby, I won't need to go far. Right now, Kouen and I are finishing up the baby's nursery. I am putting the baby clothes and toys away on shelves and dressers, and you boxes. Kouen is putting the baby's crib together.

I feel the baby kick hard making me accidentally drop a toy bunny, lean over, and grab the rocking chair while groaning.

"Ranea. Are you okay?" Kouen asks quickly getting up and pressing his hand gently to the middle of my back. While he is doing that Kouha and Judal come into the room.

"Ya. It's the baby. They're picking up a fight. I feel like the baby dropped to the bottom of my stomach and it's making it hard for me to walk. My feet are killing me, along with my back, and my boobs. I want this baby out of me." I say slightly ranting. I then turn around and grab Kouen's hand and put it on my stomach. I feel the baby kick and I wince. Kouen's smiles and kneels down before kissing my stomach.

"Can we feel the baby?" Kouha asks. Kouen stands up while I look up and nod, smiling. The two smile and run over to me. Kouen smiles before going back over to the crib to finish building it. I grab both Kouha and Judal' hand before placing them on my stomach. Thr baby instantly kicks their hands making my breath hitch and me wince.

"This is really cool." Judal says quietly before grabbing the toy bunny and handing it to me.

"Oh. Thank you." I say grabbing the toy and putting it on the shelf.

"Your welcome." Judal says before both him and Kouha walk out of the room. I get back to putting everything away and when I am done I turn around and see the crib done.

"I absolutely love this crib. I was actually Clara's, my grandmothers and great grandmothers, and so on about six more times." I say grabbing the bkankets and toy lamb.

"I love this crib too." Kouen says helping me the little bed and puts the toy in the middle. Kouen the moves to stand behind me and wraps his arms around my stomach and places his hands on my stomach. I smile in content and lean into Kouen.

"I can't wait to see our baby." I say looking up at Kouen.

"Me too. I love you Ranea."

"I love you too Kouen." I say before we kiss and then admire the room.

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