Yandere Gargoyle X Reader

Start from the beginning

With a sigh, you gather up your things to go to the little mansion in the woods. You have a major time crunch and the need to get out of this building is big.

"Hey, y/n! You leaving?" Claire asks as you head to the elevator. Claire is another co-worker who wants the attention of the slime ball boss. He gives her some, only when he's in the mood, and she knows that when you leave it is because he is in said mood.

"Yep, he's all yours." You tell her with an exhausted tone. With that, you watch as she high tails it to his office as the elevator door closes. Thank goodness for the policy that allows the creators to leave if they need a different space to write or draw in, that we all aren't confined to stay in the building during work. You just have to have proof that you worked while you were out instead of goofing off.

Mini timeskip

"And that is how my day went, how about yours?" you ask the stone gargoyle that resides outside the abandoned mansion. He was a better listener than any therapist you ever visited. Really, this stone figure was the second reason you even come back.

Sure, you talk to yourself a lot out here; it does help you stay concentrated. You can think out loud and talk things out, whether it's what to eat for dinner or what you plan on wearing tomorrow. It seems a little silly, but it helps.

You have even gone so far as to actually name the gargoyle Lexington, which is a character from the old television show Gargoyles. You use to watch it every Saturday when you were a child and he was one of your favorite characters.

"I can see how your day was kind of boring, but at least you are outside and can see wildlife and feel the cool breeze. I'm stuck in an office, looking at the same four walls and dealing with a sex crazed boss." You complain as you draw the next scene in the story.

"By the looks of things, I'll be fired by Friday if I don't have drawings done." You tell the statue. You give a few quite moments before you start speaking again. "No, he bumped the due date up. It was supposed to be due next Friday, but because I didn't fall into his hands and mess around he's punishing me."

Another moment of silence passes.

"Sometimes I think I'm going crazy, coming out here to talk to a stone figure, but you make me feel better."

That's how the rest of the day went. Once night started to fall, you gathered your things, told Lexington goodnight, and then you went back to the office to scan and copy what you accomplished today. You made an extra backup file just in case the boss wanted to try anything. He hasn't tried to sabotage your pay yet, but you wouldn't put it past him.

After getting everything at the office settled, you then head home for the night to get ready to start the next day. You had decided that for tomorrows outfit would be a dress suit, anything to keep your pervert boss from wanting to look at you.

Timeskip to the next morning

"What the hell?" Is the first thing that fumbles past your lips when you looked outside your office window. The gargoyle that you had been visiting is now resting on the ledge right outside your window.

'Maybe it's not the same one, maybe the company decided to put one there? Then again, when did they have the time to place it?' you thought.

"What's that?" Claire asks, pointing towards the window.

"I don't know, did his majesty have one placed?" you question her. She was all over him yesterday, if anyone would know anything that goes on in Jeremy's head, it would be Claire.

Yandere Monster/Creature/Urban Legend/Folklore one-shots X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now