Chapter 12

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Out of no where.... QUAN comes over and punches Rodney in the nose. He gets on top of Rodney and just start sending straight blows to his face. I look around for my brothers so they can end this. I would but if I get hit EVERYBODY gone hear my mouth. I finally find everybody sitting at a table eating. I run up to Deshae and Demarcus rambling

"AYE QUAN AND RODNEY OVER THERE FIGHTING", Luhkel, TJ, Deshae, and Demarcus all brushed past me and ran to where the crowd was forming. It took all 4 of them to get Quan off of him because he was starting to make Rodney lose consciousness.

"Quan lets go, I hear the police" i pull him back to the table to grab our bags then we head to the car

"Text everybody and tell them to come back to my house" Quan hands me my phone. I must've dropped it

"Ok" we pull out the parking lot and onto the express way. "Wait, how did he get out the trap? My daddy didn't plan on letting him out after what he did to me"

"You right. When we get back to the house I'll let him know about it"

"Ok" and then I was asleep


I felt someone laying me down on a bed and when I opened my eyes. It was Quan putting me in his bed

"Well I'm up now"

"Hey ma, the others are already down stairs. Come down when you ready" he said, pointing to his bedroom door

"Bae, lemme see your hand" I say getting off the bed. He looked down at his hand and his knuckles was all busted

"It's ight ma, I'm straight"

"Nah, come on" i lead the way to the bathroom. "Sit" he sat on the edge of the tub and I opened his cabinet and got out the first aid kit. I grab a cotton pad and put it under the faucet, then wipe his knuckles

"Why don't you use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol?" He asks

"Because they harm the skin and delay the healing"

" Ok Ms. Future Nurse Lady"

"Future fashion designer" I correct him

"Do you have any ideas of any clothing outfits" he asks

"A few, I'll show you the next time you come to my hou—" i was cut off when Camryn walked in the room

"We ordering pizza, what y'all want on y'alls?" She holds the phone away from her face

"Bacon" me and Quan say in unison. We so cute

"Y'all smack" She says laughing and repeating our order into her phone

"All done" i kiss his bandage then his lips "ready to go downstairs?". He responds by standing up and following me downstairs.

"Bout time y'all come down" Ayana says, standing up from Luhkel's lap. I just give her the finger

"Y'all wanna watch a movie" Quan comes and puts his hands on my lower back

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