20 random facts about me

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I was nominated by my friend to post 20 random facts about me! hope you enjoy

1. My favorite food is veggie burgers

2. I am a vegitarian

3. My cat weighs 20 pounds

4. I have a stuffed pig named..

Piggy azalea

5. I am 11 almost 12

6. I hate pineapple

7. Once my phone rang in the middle of class on full volume and no one noticed. it was in my pocket so I just hugged myself tightly and no one could hear it.

8. My cat stalks me

9. I want to be a neurosurgeon when I grow up.

10. I love to bake.

11. I have killed 2 fish. I was four!

12. I love my world history teacher

13. I have the same color hair as my world history teacher

14. I have red hair

15. My favorite book is the maze runner

16. I have a picture of a rainbow cupcake on my wall.

17. I won third place in the school spelling bee when I was in third grade.

18. I don't like waffles

19. I am a huge the walking dead fan

20. I don't like language arts. really, I don't.


21. it makes me really happy when you vote and comment so please do so!


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