Chapter 7: Secret & Truth (Pt. 1)

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Chapter 7: Secret & Truth (Pt. 1)

Khia's Perspective:

Saturday July 8, 2006:This shit was killin I didn't know that to do, there I'm pregnant and don't know who my Baby-Daddy is, it could be one of two people

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Saturday July 8, 2006:
This shit was killin I didn't know that to do, there I'm pregnant and don't know who my Baby-Daddy is, it could be one of two people...

The first could be my Mom's Boifriend Greg (it was one time and I was fucked up), the second could be Maliki's bestfriend Terrell (we've be fuckin off and on since before Maliki got locked up, but I swear we always used condoms), shit the only thing a know forsure was it wasn't Maliki's because I was already three weeks pregnant when he got outta jail.

Terrell didn't give a fuck if he was the father or not, he just wanted me to get rid of it, because he didn't want Maliki to find out that we slept together (and because of that bitch Mika he's with).

Greg was happy as all hell that I was pregnant and I really didn't understand that at all, (I really think Greg is the father tho).


(Greg Denton)

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(Greg Denton)

Gregory Marcus Denton is 36y.o. African-American and Cuban. Greg has a Dark skin complexion, Black hair and Dark Green eyes. Greg stands at 6'0", he has a nice muscular body and a Football playa body and a nice thick round ass.
Greg is a very violent, ruthless,  dangerous and manipulative dude, he's the type of dude that goes after what he wants and doesn't take no for answer; and will do anythin to get what or who he wants.

Here I was up early as fuck, meeting Greg, to talk about whatever the fuck he wanted to talk about.

I looked at my watch to see the time, because Greg was late and he really needed to hurry up. When I looked up again I saw Greg's sexy ass walking my way.

-Greg: Sorry, I'm late Baby... I had to take care of some shit, at work.
(He said as he sat down at the table, before he kissed my hand).
-Me: What's this all about Greg...? I have to get to work....
(I asked not trying to show Greg we was gettin to me).
-Greg: Ok, that's how you wanted... Lets get straight to the point. You Are Gonna Leave Your Lil Punck As Boifreind And Marry Me Or I'm Gonna Tell Everyone, Everything and I Do Mean Everything...
(He said).
-Me: Nigga Are You Fuckin Smokin Something... I'm Not Marrying You...!
(I said, before gettin up from the table).
-Greg: Sit Fuckin Back Down...
(He said through his teeth, as he grabbed my arm).
-Me: Greg Let me go...
(I said sitting back down)
-Greg: Its time to get fuckin real... Its time your ass grew the fuck up and put your big gurl panties on and step into the Fuckin Real World... You gonna Fuckin Marry Me Or By The End Of The Day... Maliki will know everything about me, you and his bestfriend Terrell.
(He said, letting me go, with a look on his face that I've never seen before).
-Me: You Wouldn't Do That?...
(I asked nervously)
-Greg: All I Have To Do Is Make One Phone Call And Your Whole World Will Come Fallin Down Around You...hahaha...
(He stated with a lil laugh).
-Me: And What About My Mother, What Is She Gonna Say...
(I asked).
-Greg: Your Mom and I broke up.. and we weren't that serious anyway and why would I want her, when I've got you.
(He said with no emotion).

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