Benjamin who just arrived to school and asks them why are they doing outside and where Ecstasy is. Rebecca wraps her arms around his shoulder and tells him about Ecstasy while going inside the school.
2013 - Tuesday
One year later

In the Millers residence, where Steve, Hailee and Chelsea are standing in the kitchen while staring at Margaret and Paul homeschooling Ecstasy (17 years old) and Ashton (18 years old) over the window.

Steve: (sipping his hot coffee) It's kinda nice seeing them like that.
Chelsea: I know right! At least our little sister can finally learn something once in her life ever since she got.. you know... expelled.
Steve: I just can't believed that they're willing to homeschool her.
Hailee: Yes and God wants more people like that.
Chelsea: (annoyed) We get it! They're good people and they're probably welcome to go to Heaven and God would undeniably honor them for their generousity and kindness! Your religious persona is getting annoying, sis!
Steve: Really... really annoying, no offense.
Hailee: Point taken.
Chelsea: And also, at least she can see Ashton everyday and everynight.
Hailee: Forever (makes a romantic excitement with Chelsea)
Steve: Do you think that they somewhat together and they're too scared to tell us.
Hailee: Probably too embarrassed to update their relationship status to the public, to us specifically.
Chelsea: Yes, indeed. We should definitely asks her after their class.
Hailee: Ooh, yes!
Steve: No, you should not! Leave your sister alone, do you understand?
Chelsea: Fine!
Hailee: (slowly) Yes, father.

At the Bakers residence, Paul is teaching Ecstasy and Ashton about philosophy and they are called by Margaret, telling them its time for a snack break. Everyone are gathered in the dining table and have a slice of delicious homemade summer squash tartines with ricotta, rosemary and lemon, and a pitcher of refreshing coca cola.

While everyone are eating at the table, Ecstasy tells them "I just want to thank you guys so much for doing this to me" and Margaret replied "Oh problem. Anything for our neighbor", then smiles. Paul clears his throat, which caught the attention of Margaret, she looks at him and he whispers "Maybe it's time we should tell her". Ecstasy heard their silent conversation, then Margaret grabs her hand with a sad look on her face.

When Margaret is about to tell her something inportant, but are interrupted when they heard a scream coming from next door. Ecstasy, Ashton and his parents immediately left the table and went outside to see all the residents are gathered outside Ms. Goldweth's colorful house.

Ecstasy sees her father and two sisters outside, and they got reunited. Ashton approaches and asks them "What is going on? Who was that screaming?" and Chelsea replied "It was Ms. Goldweth... she died". Ecstasy and Ashton are both shocked and sees the police officer named Joe Swanson entering her house.

Ecstasy and Ashton rapidly run towards Joe and ask him "Can we come inside?" and he replied "Alright, but you must stay behind me, okay?". Ecstays and Ashton nod their heads and follow him inside her house. While investigating in her house, they caught her at the bottom of the stairs, Joe assumes that she falls or trip on something by mistake. They all hear meowing and they felt pity because no one will ever take care of her cats, then Joe decides to call his friend who is a friendly pet store owner to come and picks up her cats.

From outside where many people are talking about it. Paul grabs Margaret's shoulders and tells her "We need to tell her as soon as possible before we leave to our hometown" and she replied "I just don't know if she could accept it". Paul wraps his arms around her shoulders and said "She will", then kisses her on the forehead until the ambulance finally arrived.

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