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~~~(Y/N)'S POV~~~






I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock and let out a loud groan. I was about to fall back asleep before I heard a small knock coming from my door. "Come in," I mumbled into my pillow, "Hey you don't want to be late on your first day of the job, do ya?" I got up and sighed "You're right, I probably should get ready thanks Sami." She put a plate of scrambled eggs on the counter and left. 

Years passed after that last night with Ryan, he headed off to Chicago while I attended my dream collage. That's where I met my roommate Sami, we both graduated collage about a few months ago where I got my degree in music performance. After graduation we both applied for a job that carried both our interests. Every morning I start off being waitress and starting in the afternoon I perform at the same dinner. 

I quickly ate and got dressed into my uniform. Luckily I don't have to worry about bringing another outfit for tonight. I grabbed my car keys and told Sami I was heading off to my shift. Sure I'm happy with my life, I have a good paying job that is involved with what I like and I have a roof over my head. But...but...

Dammit I need to stop thinking about him, that was the past I need to think about my future. 

Once I pulled into the dinners parking lot I noticed my boss Daniel sitting on the curb. I got out of my car and stopped in front of him. "Hey boss what's wrong?" He looked up at me but his face saddened when he saw me. "Did something happen?" I sat on the curb next to him and he handed me an envelope that had my name on it. I opened it an pulled out a check for three hundred dollars. "Sir I don't get paid until Friday, and also this is way more that you normally pay me." I looked at him a little worried "I'm sorry (Y/N) but today is your last day working here." 

I looked at him shocked "But...but I don't understand I love this job and you know I work hard for this position. Please, please don't fire me, I'm-" I he cut me off before I can finish "I'm letting you go because you're not gonna like working at this dinner while working with a record company." I looked at him confused as he had a wide smile on his face. "What? I'm so confused."

"Well last week an assistant manger for some guy that runs a record deal video taped you. She ended up showing him the video and was interested in helping you reach you goal." I quickly stood up "ARE YOU JOKING!"he stood up and put his hands on his hips "Never." I jumped up and down and excitingly hugged him "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" 

"You better get in there and get ready because I decided you're performing all day." I smiled and hugged him one more time. Finally my dreams are becoming a reality, maybe he'll...NO I need to stop this stupid love thing. I need to focus on the now. I ran into the performers dressing room and grabbed a dress from my employee locker. (PICTURE ABOVE) Today's the day my dreams come true. 


I waited behind the curtain for my final performance of the night. I decided to sing the song I've been working on for a few months. It's not at its finest but I felt like I should sing it for today. "And now our final performance is by a talented singer who is  moving on to the big league. Performing her own original song! (Y/N)!" I walked on stage and waited until the pianist was ready to start. I gave him a nod and he started playing. 

High School Sweet Heart (Ohmwrecker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now