The Mountain Pass

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Having all things gathered, they are ready to make the hardest part of the trip. Rayla instructs Callum and Ezran to be prepared for anything. They grab what is left of breakfast and start walking, the only thing now between them and Xadia is the grand mountains that lay in their path.
As they are walking they take note of the momentary serenity that they know will be short lived, and the wonderful scents of pine and wild flowers. These bring back memories of when Rayla was younger, the fragile temperament of nature, and the balance that must be maintained between life... and death.
Unbeknownst to Rayla, Callum had stayed up the night before, contemplating the challenges ahead. In his moment of brief contemplation he thought about not only the challenges but the feeling of loneliness that will befall him. If only Claudia was on their side.
Now about an eighth through their journey Rayla started to get a feeling that someone, or something, was staring at her. For a brief moment she thought it could be Callum, about to profess his love for her. If only that were the case. She kept going, knowing that feeling was only in her head, just another way to cope with the solitude. Her reckless abandon for friendship had become apparent after the loss of all of her previous family at the siege of Katolis.
About half way through their journey Ezran could no longer go, he needed rest, something that all members of the group could agree on. They sat down on a large boulder on the side of the path.
Rayla: "We have made good time, let's hope we have the chance to rest"
Callum: "do we have any food, I am starving. It looks like there might be a large grove over there, we should check it out"
Rayla: "sounds good to me, Ezran would you like to come with"
There was no response, he had already fallen asleep on the rock, Zym passed out beside him.
Rayla: "Well I guess it is just us then, can we trust that Ezran will be okay"
Callum: "None of us will be okay if we don't gather some food"
In mutual agreement they head off to the grove to see what kind of fruits they can gather. Callum reaches up for an apple like fruit and takes a bite. Rayla rushes over realizing that he just ate a poisonous plant. She urged him to spit it out and knocked the poison bearing fruit out of his hands. Rayla realized at this moment how much she cares for Callum and vowed to be his guardian angel in all situations... no matter who he returns to after. Rayla still dazed from what happened told Callum that she will never let anything happen to him and will always be there for him. Callum thought this was sweet, bringing back what he thought were suppressed feelings for Rayla and realizing what he must keep secret from her
They now return from the meadow with a back pack full of edible fruit and wake Ezran so they can finish the second half of the journey. With a yawn Ezran wakes up, eats, and prepares Zym for travel.
They have now reached the three quarter mark and decide, since they have reached the peak of the mountain, they should set up camp. Rayla anticipates a second night of sleep and prepares for bed. She falls asleep accidentally before anyone else, Callum and Ezran still sitting around the campfire. Callum walks into the tent surprised to see Rayla already laying down. He decides that since she is asleep he should discuss his feelings about her and clear his conscience... but what he doesn't know is she is still awake. Awake only enough to process the basic thought being conveyed, but that is all Rayla needed.

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