Joining Houses

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"Arthur, I don't know if I can stress this any further. But a marriage would seal our alliance with Balinors kingdom." Uther lectures his son anticipating the arrival of the other king and his children.

"But I haven't even met them father. How am I supposed to marry someone I don't know if I don't even love them?" Arthur says, trying to get at least a shred of pity from his father.

"Love comes second son. Your mother and I found it after we wed, but we were always betrothed." Uther smiles as if he didn't just ruin Arthur's life. "Anyway. I've heard Balinor's daughter is the most beautiful in the land."

Arthur forces a smile at his father. "Great."

Merlin and his sister Sierran trotted along behind their father on horseback.

"If it's Sierran who is to be engaged with the Prince then why did I have to come father? I could have stayed back in Ireland to make sure everything is going smoothly during this visit." Merlin pouts. He's just here to see his sister get engaged to one the future king of Camelot.

"You're here to show we are a family." Balinor tells his son, and turns to face him. "King Uther also has a daughter by the name of Morgana. She could prove a nice addition to your sisters engagement. Don't forget Merlin. When you turn 20 years next Winter you will need to be married as well."

"Come on baby brother, isn't it good to get out of the castle for a while." Sierran turns to Merlin.

"Maybe for a little while. But not a month of riding and crossing the sea." He remembers the horrible rocking of the boat.

"Just a little more riding brother. You can already see the castle peeking above the trees." She points off in the distance. Still a little to far, Merlin thinks to himself.

Uther rushes Arthur out the door to meet the party in the courtyard. "Where is your bloody sister?" He asks.

"I think she was out riding."

"Well when she gets back make sure to tell her to apologize personally to them. This is unacceptable." He adds.

Arthur simply nods at his fathers request.

As the riders grew nearer, he saw the King. He had long black hair that cascaded down his shoulders. A massive crown sat on his head as well, incrusted with blue jewels.

They all dismount and quickly walk up to us.

"Balinor! Old friend." They embrace quickly, laughing. "It's been some time."

"That it has. May I introduce my daughter, Sierran, and my son, Merlin."

The two siblings looked very much alike. She had long hair as well, much longer than the kings. With a small tiara holding a pattern of braids secure on her head.

The boy, had the shortest hair of the party, with a silver band around his head much like Arthur's gold one. His eyes were incredibly blue, and seemed elsewhere.

"And my son Arthur." Uther smiles, beckoning Arthur over.

"A pleasure to meet you my lady." He takes Sierrans hand and kisses it. For a moment he almost does the same with the boy standing next to her.

Arthur clears his throat and holds out his hand to the boy. "Pleasure to meet you Prince Merlin." He says more seriously.

"And you, Prince Arthur." Me bows his head.

"Come. Let's eat." Uther guides them inside. "But first, lets get you settled in your rooms."

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