School? For a wastelander?

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I reloaded Kellogg's pistol as I dodged another attack from what I believed was a Yao Guai.


I reloaded again as it died. Surprisingly it turned to dust instead of leave a body. Strange logic that is in this world.

I saw Dogmeat up ahead scouting for any more creatures before barking a no.

Y/n: good boy

I holstered my pistol before walking over to a tree and getting out of my power armor. I removed the fusion core as someone, if anyone was out here, could steal it(this happened to me once. A raider walked into the castle and hopped in my power armor. Back then I didn't know how to get a new one).

I then sat down and leaned against the tree. Dogmeat trotted up to me and laid down right beside me.

I heard him whine so I started to pet him.

Y/n: it's ok boy. We'll get back home. Somehow

I noticed it started to get dark and so o tried to stay awake but eventually failed.

Time skip

???: get up

Y/n: 5 more minutes

I was then slapped across the face. I bolted up and took out my power fist. Right in front of my was the girls from yesterday, an old man and some dude in a white suit. I then saw two people tried to move my power armor, but failing miserably.

Y/n: who are you?

???: non of your concern.

The other man had silver hair.

??: I'm Ozpin the headmaster of Beacon academy. The man in front of you is James Ironwood, the headmaster of Atlas military school

I readied my powerfist to attack.

Y/n: get those two away from my armor

Ironwood: no. That armor is now in the possession of Atlas military. And so are...HEY!

While he was talking Dogmeat jumped up and grabbed his arm.

Ironwood: get your animal off me!

Y/n: no

While he was trying to get away from Dogmeat, Ozpin walked up to me.

Ozpin: you have an interesting friend. Where do you find him?

Y/n: Red Rocket Gas station. Doubt you heard of it. I'm from I guess you can say another world

Ozpin: and what's this world like?

Y/n: I've fought some creatures here. Take them make them stronger, meaner, and with things that they shouldn't even have. It's a post nuclear apocalypse. I survived it for 200 years only cause I was frozen for that long

Ozpin: anyone else survive with you?

I shook my head.

Y/n: not even my girlfriend, Nora. She was killed some 60 years before I was unfrozen. He had sex once and I got her pregnant by accident. The person that killed her took our son, Shawn. Shawn is dead now, from old age

Red: you had a son?

I looked at her before nodding.

White: and you lost him?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2019 ⏰

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