Chapter 17 - Moments of Weakness

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No sooner did she open the door did two arms wrap around her petite body, long brown her covered her face and she knew it was her mother. She smiled and took the moment to enjoy the affection.

"I can't believe you're here...I've missed you so much!" Elena said while trying to hold back the tears. She always wondered what would happen when the spell played out, would her daughter love on without her, or would she get the chance to be with her. All these questions went through her mind, but none of it mattered now.

"I wanted to find you, but the witches wanted to keep me safe." She hugged her mother tighter.

Avalyn had spent all her years together with her family. She never went out alone, either her parents or uncles and aunt would accompany her, especially with Mikael hunting them. Then in a swift moment she was without them and in the company of a fellow witch.

"We are just happy to see that you're alright. What happened?" Elijah walked over to the most important women in his life; his sister was included in that list. He gave small kiss on Elena's forehead and gently pried his daughter away from her, only to envelop Avalyn in his own arms.

"The last thing I remember was Uncle Nik warning us of Mikael's arrival. Before we could leave the town, mother disappeared in shining lights. Moments later I was taken with the same shining lights and that's when I found the company of Abby Bennett." Avalyn walked around the room as she spoke.

"Abby Bennett had communicated with our witch, Ayana. She was expecting my arrival. I stayed with her; it was unsafe for me to find you so soon." Avalyn explained to her parents.

"You traveled through time like I did. I guess your bedtime stories make more sense now" Elena gave a small smile to her daughter, remembering the 'stories' that she used to tell Avalyn to help her sleep at night.

"Yes, meeting Abby was my first clue as you once told me about Aunt Bonnie finding her." She always felt that her mother's family was a conversation that was avoided, but now she could see that her mother had shared everything with her, without knowing.

Elena nodded and smiled gleefully at the fact that her daughter was standing in front of her. She never believed that she would have children. The curse of the doppelgangers; supernatural beings doomed to be sought after for their blood and the magic that runs through them. She never wanted to subject future generations to what she had to go through.

She had decided to transition into a vampire with the knowledge that children weren't in the picture. A life with the man she loved, an eternity with an immortal family but no children. Her wish was granted though and she received a special child who matured like any other.

A child was a blessing and Elena was blessed with one, and she was blessed to have seen that child grow to the woman she is today; strong, mature, compassionate, noble and immortal, inevitably ending any future of more doppelgangers.

Elena was brought out of her thoughts when she heard Avalyn ask her father "Will Uncle Kol and Aunt Bekah be okay?" It was a difficult time for them, both Originals had only just admitted their feelings for the two missing and now they were probably locked in some dark basement.

"They have to be, if we want to get them back. Everyone has to work together to defeat Mikael and Esther. That's what Bonnie and Stefan would want and we aren't going to let them down." Elena spoke firmly to her daughter and husband.

She needed to believe that everything was going to be okay, sure she had been the victim to a psychotic hybrid and a crazy doppelganger but taking on a thousand year old original vampire hunter and the original witch was much worse. The destruction of the in-laws would save everyone.

The Original Wife [Elejah]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن