Chapter 77: Hope?

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April 1869

Today's the day, let's hope I can find them...Kinu thought to herself as she prepared Kioshi's lunch.  She took a pouch out of her pocket and looked around to make sure no one was looking before emptying the contents of the pouch into Kioshi's lunch and green tea. This'll give me until nightfall to try and save Chiyeko.

She mixed the medicine into his lunch before placing it on a tray and carrying it over to Kioshi who was patiently waiting in his room. "Here you are Kioshi! I hope it's too your liking" She handed him the tray with a smile.

"Arigato Kinu" Kioshi began to eat his lunch and Kinu mentally relaxed when he didn't state that it tasted different or funny.

"Is there anything you need or want me to get you from town?"

"Can you get me that sake I like? Along with some rope?"

"Sure thing" I feel bad betraying my brother, but I just can't agree with anything that he does...Kinu thought to herself before leaving her brother's room. She went to her own room and prepared to leave.

After getting ready, Kinu went down to the stables and took out one of the horses. She swiftly mounted it and rode off into the forest surrounding Nakakoshi Castle. This forest is vast and her nakamas could be anywhere...Kinu tightened her hands around the reigns and dug her heels into the horse to make him go faster. Let's hope luck is on my side. She thought as she raced through the dense forest.

Three hours later

Kinu had been riding around for hours and had yet to run into another living soul. Only trees stood around her, as far as the eye could see. I can't give up yet! Kinu heard voices and she gasped before turning her horse in the direction of said voices.

Five minutes later she came face-to-face with three more horse riders, two male and one female. "Who're you?" The blue haired one asked Kinu.

"My name is Kinu and I'm looking for some people that are trying to rescue Kazama Chiyeko" She decided to be blunt and get straight to the point.

"That would be us. Well, half of us. We're on our way to join up with the rest of our comrades" The woman answered nicely.

"That's great!" Kinu was ecstatic that she had finally found the people she had been looking for, even if she had only found half of them. "We need to find the rest of your group, I know where Chiyeko is being held"

"Then we must find them as soon as possible" The man with a deep voice stated. Kinu nodded and the four of them took off in search of the other three members of the rescue party.

One hour later

The sky above them had turned orange, indicating that night time was on its way. After a couple of hours, the four riders eventually found the other half of their group. Kinu dismounted her horse and bowed her head deeply.

"My name is Nishikiri Kinu and I am terribly-!" The rest of Kinu's sentence had been cut off by Kazama, who had gotten off his horse and grabbed Kinu by her neck. The woman struggled against him and gasped for air as his grip slowly tightened around her throat.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't stab a sword through your heart right now" Kazama angrily spat at her as he unsheathed his sword.

"Let her go Kazama!" The brunette man shouted out loudly.

"You should want her dead too because she's related to that bastard!" Kazama stated before raising his blade.

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