12. He Thinks She's Crazy

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You tell him to stop but he doesn't, instead, he pulls down your shorts. Your lack of undergarments gives him a full view. He licks his lips and admires. You stop fighting, accepting your fate. No one's going to save you. No one's ever going to save you.

Keith rips your shirt open, revealing your braless chest. He smirks and starts fingering you. You simply let it happen, not mentally able to deal with this right now.

The door opens and Shiro gasps.

"Keith?!" He shouts. You start crying, maybe it was the relief, maybe the embarrassment.

"Go away, Shiro!" Keith shouts. "Can't you see that we're trying to have some fun?"

Shiro walks hurriedly towards Keith and pulls him off of you. He takes him out of the room. The door closes and you jump at the sound.

You look down at yourself, hands tied, shirt ripped, abdomen bruised. Your tears don't cease. They just continue on.

You take the gag out of your mouth and it hangs around your neck. Standing, you barely manage to put your shorts back on. You grab one of Lance's shirts and hold it in front of you, covering your breasts. You walk out of the room, tears still freshly falling to your cheeks.

You're too scared to call out for someone, so instead, you walk to Hunk's room. You knock on the door and he answers. His eyes widen at the sight of your red eyes and hands tied.

"What happened? Who did this to you?" He asks as he unties your hands. The belt falls to the ground and he notices that your shirt isn't on. It seems he doesn't mind. He is more concerned about what happened. When you don't respond, he asks again. "Who did this to you, (Y/N)?"

You keep your head down, not making eye contact. He sighs.

"Go on into my room so you can put your shirt on, I'll wait out here," He speaks softly. You nod and do what he says.

You walk out, shirt on, and you grab his wrist, still unable to speak.

He says nothing, he lets you lead him. After a few silent minutes of walking, you arrive at the training deck. You gasp loudly as you see the horrific sight in front of you: Lance laying unconscious in the middle of the room and a large puddle of blood seeping from his abdomen. A few streaks of blood make their way down Lance's cheeks from his mouth, from that, a small puddle of blood gathers beneath his face.

You run to him, kneeling in the blood, holding his limp body. You look back at Hunk, eyes pleading for help, but it seems he himself is frozen in shock.

"Hunk!" you scream, tears falling down your cheeks. "Do something!" you sob. He snaps out of his shock and runs over to you and Lance. He picks Lance up and hurriedly takes him to the infirmary, you trailing close behind.

You reach the infirmary and Hunk puts Lance in a pod.

"Now, we wait."

"What if the pod can't heal him?" You sob. "W-what if-" Hunk cuts you off with a hug. You wrap your arms around him and sob into his chest.

"You really are a little slut," Keith walks into the room. "First you were in Lance's pants, then mine, and now Hunk's," He speaks harshly. The sound of Keith's voice makes you cling to Hunk harder. Your body starts trembling and sobs come out more forcefully. Keith's footsteps get closer.

"What's going on Keith?" Hunk asks calmly, unaffected by Keith's words.

"This little bitch is using all of us, trying to get into all of our pants. Who's next, slut? Shiro? Pidge? Coran maybe?" He speaks harshly. You remove yourself from Hunk and walk to Keith. He lifts an eyebrow and smiles. You punch him in the nose. He stumbles back.

"If I were trying to get into your pants why would I punch you?" You speak quietly. You punch him again. And again.

"Why would I keep punching you if I were trying to in your pants?!" You shout at him. He falls to the floor with another punch from you. You sit on his waist.

"Wasn't it you who sat on me like this? Wasn't it you who tied my hands? Wasn't it you who ripped my shirt? Wasn't it you who tried to rape me?" With every question, your voice got louder, until it boomed throughout the room. And with every question, you punched him repeatedly.

"You wanted it!" He shouts back.


Allura walks in and gasps at the sight. You don't care if she's standing there. If you'll get punished later. You wanted this asshat to learn his lesson.

"(Y/N)!" She shouts. You don't stop. Hunk pulls you off of Keith. You struggle to get out of his grip, swinging your arms and legs, still trying to hit Keith. Hunk holds you from behind, it's comforting. You sigh and stop trying to escape.

"Why is Lonce in a pod?" Allura asks.


"What?!" She and Hunk gasp. He lets you go.

"It was Keith who did that to him?" he asks dumbfounded. You nod and cross your arms.

"andhetriedtorapeme," you say, small and quiet, turning away.

"pfft, I don't think rape is the right word... because, bitch, you wanted it," He speaks as he stands up, walking towards you. Your body trembles but you hold your ground.

"If you fucking touch me again I will fucking break your nose, gouge out eyes, then I'll rid any chance for you to ever have children," You speak harshly.

"Heh," he smirks. "What are you gonna do? cut off my balls?" He places his hands on his hips.

"Oh, I'll do more than that- I'll cut off your fucking dick too," you growl.

"Just get the hell out!" you shout at Keith. "You don't deserve to be in here, Lance is in that pod because of you..." you huff.

"And what if I stay right here?" He crosses his arm and pops a hip out sassily.

"If you keep testing me, I'll gouge out your eyes, cut out your tongue, chop off your ears, slice off your fingers, and rip off your dick,"

"You're fucking crazy..." he says as he walks out.

Your knees buckle and you fall to the floor. You stare at the floor, void of emotion. You look up at Lance's pod. You think you hear words around you but you're not sure.

You feel sorrow in your heart when you look at Lance hurt. It physically pains you. Your heart aches.

1160 words

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