2 | stop thinking

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Katya's POV
"See you around milashka" I say, walking away from the flustered blonde girl. Let's assume and uh, hope - she doesn't understand enough Russian to figure out that I called her cutie. I smile to myself as I walk back through the corridors of school, I only have one friend here and that's Adore, she's the only person I can stand in this place.

"Hey Kat! Have you been smoking again?" Adore asks immediately.
"Just one! It was only social smoking so it doesn't count" I reply, Adore rolls her eyes and laughs quietly.
"So who were you socializing with? That's not like you" she remarks.
"Just this girl" I reply shortly, Adore gasps and grabs my shoulders, stopping me in my tracks.
"A girl!? Katya! Do tell!" She exclaims, I groan and laugh a little.
"Hey don't go getting any ideas" I tell her, she sighs and trudges on beside me.
"I mean she's cute but-" I start
"Yes! I knew it!" Adore laughs, I roll my eyes at her and link my arm with hers.
"So who is she?" Adore asks, I stand still and sigh, realizing my mistake.
"Shit. I didn't ask her name." I groan, Adore sighs.
"Katya you suck at this." She laughs.
"There's nothing to suck at! But uh - yeah I do." I admit, Adore smiles.
I'm not a fan of relationships, they're a lot of work and they usually end up in people getting upset, it's all just too much. But this time, there's something about her, I don't know what it is but it actually kinda makes me wanna go through that shit, goddamnit.

Two days later

The bell rings and everyone trudges out of the crowded classroom and fill the halls. I walk alongside Adore and she wraps an arm around my shoulder.
I look up from my phone to see that girl again at her locker.
"Adore it's her!" I gasp, Adore looks up quickly and grins at me.
"Oh damn she's cute" she whispers, I laugh and try to keep my eyes off the girl, she keeps dropping the many books in her arms as she attempts to stuff them into her locker.
"You should go help her" Adore whispers, I smile and nod, rushing over.
One of the books slips out of her hand and falls, I run and grab it before it hits the floor.
"Woah! Thanks-" she stops and stumbles over her words for a second when she realizes it's me.
"No sweat" I beam, she smiles shakily.
"I didn't get to say but I'm Trixie, Mattel" She says, I can't help but find how flustered she is kinda cute.
"My name is Ykatrina Petrovna Zamolodchikova" I say, Trixie looks at me incredulously for a moment.
"You can call me Katya" I say, she laughs and sighs in relief. Shit she's really cute.
"See ya kukla" I say, walking away before I say anything I shouldn't, I wonder if she figured out what I said, hopefully not. The walk back to my house is a pretty short one but that doesn't make the prospect of where I'm headed any better. I don't hate my family, just my parents, they spoil my sisters rotten and practically completely ignore me.
"Hi Katya, how was school?" My sister asks in Russian when I walk in, I shrug and walk upstairs, if I ignore everyone then it won't cause drama, at least that's what I've learned. I shut my bedroom door and flop onto my bed, silently praying nobody will come upstairs and bother me. I try to keep my mind from straying back to that girl - Trixie, there's something about her... I should avoid her, I don't wanna deal with relationship shit again, it's too messy and annoying. My phone pings and I look over to see a text from Adore.

hey loser, i'm bored. wanna hang - Adore

okay, meet you at out spot later - Kat

sure - Adore

I slide off my bed and grab the bottle of vodka from under my bed, hurrying over to my bedroom window and pushing it open, mom wouldn't let me out if I paid her, best to sneak off.
I slip out of the window and lower myself into the roof, sneaking quietly across the tiles, I'm basically a pro at this from all the times I've done it. I climb down and hurry down the dark street to the shitty park on my block.
Adore is sitting on the swings, swaying a little with the breeze.
"Hey, I bought drink" I say as I join her, plopping on the seat next her. I pull out the vodka in response to the excited look on Adore's face. I unscrew the cap and take a swig, recoiling at the taste but swallowing regardless. I hand the bottle to Adore and she does the same.
"I'm glad you text me, I needed an excuse to stop thinking" I say quietly, Adore purses her lips and sighs.
"What were you thinking about?" She asks, I groan and throw my head back.
"Trixie. What's wrong with me?" I say, Adore laughs and pushes my swing a little, I can't help but laugh too.
"There's nothing wrong with you! It's normal Kat." She tells me. I shake my head in frustration.
"Not for me! I don't do relationships Adore" I groan, she sighs.
"I guess you're right." She replies taking another sip from the bottle, pulling a disgusted face.
"Ugh this shit is nasty- is it flavoured?" She says with a grimace.
"Yeah, it's gingerbread" I sigh, Adore glares at me in disbelief.
"What-! Katya what the fuck!?" She laughs, pretending to retch.
"I know! But my dad hasn't touched it since Christmas and I doubt he's planning to so I nicked it." I shrug, she groans and shudders a little before taking another sip.
"Ugh, girls man." I sigh, Adore laughs.
"I'd agree but mine is pretty great" she tells me.
"Oh yeah! How's Bianca?" I ask.
"She's great, yknow she does actually like you despite the general attitude" Adore tells me, I find that hard to believe.
"Whatever you say babe" I laugh.
"Now let's talk about anything that isn't Trixie, help me get my mind off her" I say, Adore smiles and hands me the vodka.

Milashka: Cutie
Kukla: Doll

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