Day 2 - 'Do you mind' 'What? I'm cold'

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Pairing/s: none (But some Clint & Steve friendship)
Characters/s: Clint, Steve
Canon: MCU or AA
Au: None
Warnings: None

Prompt - "Do you mind?" "What? I'm cold."

Clint makes his way through the living room on his way to the kitchen. Looking for something to warm him up. The forecasted storm was a understatement. With the way the wind was howling he is half expecting to be called out for some sort of monster or the like. But they haven't been called out yet, thankfully. He'd rather be here, in Stark's nice warm tower, then out there.

Out of the corner of his eye a hunched figure catches his attention. Curled up on the floor Steve looks out the large windows of the tower watching the snow fall outside, frosting the windows. He is curled in on himself looking cold and miserable... and lost. Seeing the man look so sad pulls at something deep within him.

Clint sighs and walks over to Steve. The man doesn't seem to notice him, his eyes remaining fixed out the window.

Wincing, he accepts that his could go badly. He sits down quietly next to Steve and wraps his arms around him.

Steve jolts slightly, not expecting the contact, but at least it is not an attack. The man shifts and whispers gruffly, "Do you mind?"

Putting on a smile, Clint pulls him closer. "What? I'm cold" he says.

Clint isn't cold, they both know that. Steve smiles and leans deeper into Clint's hold.


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