Kindered Protectors

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A group of crooks were in their abandoned warehouse hideout where they'd just finished their daily rounds, which was robbing anyone, or anything, they felt like robbing. As they were emptying their loot, the group started speaking to each other.
Tracy:So John, what's the plan for tomorrow?
John:Well, I'd figure we'd hit a few of the populated blocks and those who screw with us on the way for the rest of the week and use some of the money we want for a private vacation.
Hector:Huh, that's a great idea. Even punks like us need a break every once in a while.
The gang chucked as after they finished sorting their stolen goods, the crime team settled down with sodas all around.
During their soda drinking session, the team's bases's lights suddenly went out.
Fletcher:Woah, what the-
Fletcher then screams as he's suddenly taken away. We now cut to the leader of gang's eyes, filled with terror as he knows what this means.
Hector:John, what's going on?
John:We run now! I mean we sprint like hell!
John shouted as the three gang members started running in the direction they could sense.  As they were running, screams ran all around in the warehouse, as well as the snapping of bones and the squirting of blood. The thug leader soon managed to get to the door the gang usually go out to of to commit their crimes in the city. When he tried to open it, it wouldn't open. He tried and tried but it wasn't enough. Feeling "it" get closer, he knew in that moment that he's doomed. Then it gripped him, sealing his fate. Narvel had just gotten back from a very difficult time at the office. Employee's were complaining as he selfishly took their money in secret, rival businesses were being shut down by his work, the usual. As he sighed when he sat down on his undeserved couch, a window of his broke. Startled, he got up and went to check it out, only to be gripped by Ivory Weeper himself. As Ivory held his knife close to his throat, Mara Mallory entered the room, crowbar in hand.
Mallory:Narvel Terrence, loanshark of Rickety Rockery, started by your brother who you let die.
Narvel was scared straight at that point. He knew very well what this meant. He'd heard of this group, what they do to people like him. He was shaking all over, sweating like an animal as he remembered about what he heard, and saw, about this group. He'd even had nightmares of this group, those moments coming back to him in his mind. Suddenly, Ivory removed the knife from his neck and his hand from his forehead. Before he could react, Mallory smacked him in the stomach with the front of the crowbar. After falling to the ground, Narvel was still speechless as he looked on at the two figures. Suddenly, Mallory raises the crowbar and swings down hard on the corrupt man on the ground. Now, we turn our focus to a women passed out on the couch, just now waking up. As she got up, she nearly tripped before regaining her balance. As she waited at the door, it eventually opened.
Rachel:Where were you, young lady?! You think-
Suddenly, her tone shifts from irritated to silent with horror.
Gloom:What? You spoke with such fire before? How come it just faded all of a sudden?
Gloom finished that last sentence by closing the door calmly, desperately trying to hold onto his control over himself.
His puppets soon exited from under his cape and floated near him, their blades activating in the process.
Gloom:Don't worry about your daughter, she's somewhere where your never going to break her heart again.
Gloom Producer says as the menacing puppets roamed near the woman.
Gloom:"taps mask button" Action.
Rachel screams as the floating figures charge at her, ending this situation with a view of her house. The next day, scene later changes to daytime where the Alta Heroes were reading about what happened last night.
The black and red hooded girl said as the group continued reading about the grizzly details. As they continued reading, their eyes were widened. These cases clearly showed how much hatred the Macabre has towards crime and people they don't like. Our heroes had no words. The Macabre were clearly on the edge, their brutal acts clearly a heavy giveaway.
However, they were interrupted by a girl's voice.
Heather:Hey, are you guys done with your food?
The team looked up at her. She was a girl about their age with long brown hair, in a pink dress being protected by her apron.
Jayden:Yeah, we're done.
Heather:"nods head" Ok.
The young waitress collected the food and placed it onto her tray. She then left the group where our heroes continued talking amongst themselves.
Shadow Bird:Maybe we should separate them, take them down one by one?
The team glanced over each other for a few brief seconds before speaking again.
Jayden:Well, we should probably form groups in order to catch them off guard. Besides, who'll know if they're hunting differently when we try that tactic?
Asori:I mean, that honestly sounds a little exaggerated Jayden. We know about how they usually hunt and quite frankly, it's gonna be a rare moment if that's not the case.
Jayden:Yeah, I guess your right Asori. But, we should have our communication ready in case it gets too much. Got it, you guys?
Shadow Bird:Yep.
Aubrey:Got it.
Ashely:Will do.
The group were now walking on the sidewalk in the busy streets. During their walk back to their home, they saw a group of bullies insulting and beating up a shy young man until Aubrey called out to them.
The group of bullies turned to see the Alta Heroes, surprised beyond words.
Ashley:Let him go!
Butler:Why should we listen to you guys?! We're just messing around!
The leader of the group said as he regained his confidence.
Ashley:Messing around?! Looks more like assault to me!
The Alta Heroes then creep toward the bullies, the rest of the thugs still shaken. Getting the message, the group ran away, leaving only the leader standing.
Butler:Look, I-I ain't scared of you guys! I don't care what happens to-
Carter:Oh, you should Butler Villagin!
Carter said as everybody turned to face him. Moments later, we turn to see the group being arrested for assault and other verbal threats as well as the victim named Rob thanking the heroic group for their actions. After telling the guy the no problem and that it was no big deal, the team left, though not before Lieutenant Carter thanks them as well, of course. As the group continued walking home, they saw a little girl walking all by herself.
"Uplifting/Melancholy piano music starts"
Being extremely careful, they approached her as a way to see if she was alright.
Shadow Bird:Hey kid.
Shadow Bird softly said. The girl looked up, not frightened but surprised.
The young girl shyly said. Jayden then knelt down to her height but not too close to her space.
Jayden:Do you know where your parents are?
Girl:No, mister Jayden. I don't have any. I-In fact, I don't have anywhere to go.
Jayden stood back up to the group's level and silently conversed with them for a few short moments before kneeling back down to the young girl's stature.
Jayden:So here's what's going to happen. We're going to take you somewhere where your going to be taken care of, ok?
Jayden then kindly offered his hand but the girl politely refused. Accepting it, the team started leading the young girl to an orphanage where they talked to her very calmly and thoughtfully.
Asori:What's your name?
Asori:That's a nice name, Laura. My name's Asori.
Laura:Nice to meet you, Miss Asori.
Ahsley:Kid, you don't have to call us miss or mister, ok? Just call us by our actual names. Name's Ashley, by the way.
Laura:Ok Ashely.
After a brief moment of silent walking to the orphanage, conversation started up again.
Shadow Bird:So, what do you like to do Laura?
Laura:Nothing much. Just read and draw, nothing else.
Aubrey:That's cool. Actually, some of us read and draw too.
Jayden:Yeah, and my favorite thing to do is drawing.
Asori:I also love to read, just like you. I mostly read history books, graphic novels, and now comic books.
Laura:That's cool.
Laura said with a smile. After a few more moments of walking to the orphanage, they finally arrived. Laura said her goodbyes to the Alta Heroes as she's getting checked into the kind institution, becoming happy she would find a new home.

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