Shameron - You don't know

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Dedicated to @ughhthoseboys

Cameron had been gone for a week and he wasn't responding to his best friend's calls or messages. Shawn was beyond pissed, Cameron was ignoring him and not showing up then came back like nothing happened.

Now here they are, fighting

"I told you, let it go" Cameron said angrily. He turned his back to Shawn, getting ready to leave

"I can't." Shawn said. He confronted Cameron and they ended up here

"Why not?" Cam asked, not really calm

"Because I wanna know. I wanna know why you ignore me for a week or days, I wanna know why you keep messing with my feelings knowing damn well how I feel about you. I wanna know why you hurt me" Shawn answered, tears brimming in his eyes

"Look I never wanna hurt you" Cameron sighed

"Really? Cause that's what you're doing. " Shawn spat

"does it matter?" Cameron asked

"Yes it fucking does. You know, to tell you the truth, sometimes I wanna throw a huge rock at your face with 'I miss you' written on it so you would know how much it hurts to miss you. I wanna punch you repeatedly on your chest so you know how much my heart hurts when i have to watch you love someone else. CAMERON YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH IT HURTS TO LOVE YOU WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN LOVE ME BACK" Shawn cried, literally. It broke cam's heart especially because he was the reason behind this beautiful boy's tears and pain.

"Shawn I-" Cameron started

"Save it. I know what you wanna say, I know you don't care and that's another that hurts me but you know what its fine."

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