• Blindness •

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The crimson liquid delicately swirled in the gold rimmed cup, catching the reflection of the lamps burning above

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The crimson liquid delicately swirled in the gold rimmed cup, catching the reflection of the lamps burning above. Its shade was the same of blood, deep and thick, but its smell was fruity instead of nauseating, reminding me of the ripe cherries growing during summer in the orchard back at home. A pity it was. To blood I was used, to wine not much.

"It seems to me that you are not truly enjoying yourself."

I carefully placed the cup on the wooden table in front of me, before turning to face the man who had silently approached me from behind. Albeit he had addressed me, his eyes were focused on the room, where people were laughing and drinking, enticed by the joyous atmosphere of the feast.

"It's because I am not, my Lord."

Lord Lederos' lips twitched momentarily before settling in a thin line, the same previous neutral expression adorning his features. He was dressed similarly to this afternoon, his imposing frame clad in layers of dark blue and gold, but the cloak was now missing.
My eyes scanned his surroundings, searching for a glimpse of the dark luscious coat of his feline companion, but came back empty. He was alone, his panther nowhere in sight.

"Shalaya doesn't like people, especially strangers."

He tilted his head in the direction of a dark corner of the room, where two emerald gems were eyeing warily the commotion coming from within the walls. Her body was blending with the shadows, darkness against darkness, but her eyes were bright and sharp, unconcealed.

"It seems to me that I am not the only one, my Lord."

Another little twitch graced his lips, partially concealed by the short trimmed stubble, but it was the only response I received. My attention shifted towards the long table situated on the left side of the room, where the King and the Queen were seated, smiling and beaming at their guests. The royal eagle was resting on the seatback of its master's chair, ruffling the bronze colored plumage with its sharp beak.

"I agree with you, as a matter of fact."

From the corner of my eyes I caught Lord Lederos watching me, his inquisitive gaze leaving a path of fire on the exposed skin of my face.

"You should stay in Vharys with the King. My presence is more than enough to protect the Queen; you coming with us will only leave the Crown unsupervised. In a period of uncertain safety like this, the Lord Commander should stay in the capital, ready to intervene if needed."

I faced him, locking our gazes. His eyes, contrary to his face, were extremely expressive, piercing through mine with their intensity. Their color was as warm as grass after a rainy day, but no real warmth was to be found in them; his stare was cold and calculating, unforgiving like the silver of my dagger.

"But it was an order coming from the King, so we must abide by his wishes. I bid you goodnight. I will be ready to leave at sunset."

With a bow of my head I departed, leaving the fruity wine and chaotic celebrations behind, and disappeared through the darkness of the hallways, where I preferred to be.

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