"He really dislikes diseases..." A woman's voice said behind him and Shen Wei turned to be face to face with the head healer of the palace, Wang Zang. She was dressed in white and green robes, with her long curly hair running free over her back. She was a talented young woman, he had befriend a lot time ago.

"Yes. He was quite sick when he was younger, so I don't really blame him. You know he got his white hair after becoming very ill and he had a complex ever since. He hated when other kids called him sage, because all members of the Sage Clan have white hair." Shen Wei said, smiling at her.

"That's quite true, my Prince." She admitted, smiling, remembering those time when Ye Zun hated the sages for their hair color.

"So, what's your impression? Is this indeed a disease or something else?" He asked as he looked down at the man on the ground. His skin had darkened to a point it looked like he had been burned, but in fact it was that it had been stripped of all liquids, aging in an incredible fast rate.

"I already run a few test on the skin, but with all honestly, I don't know why these merchants die like this. It's like they were sucked of their life and aged in seconds." Shen frowned.

"No Clan can suck up life, not even the Water Clan." He was sure.

"Indeed, my Prince... this is not the work of a Clan member. I have never seen this kind of dark power in this era... only in old records you may find something similar, back in the time of the..."

"Shadows... Then, the summoning of the Clans must be..."

"Yes, because similar things are happening in all the Seven Lands." There was a loud clap sound that took both of them by surprise. Instinctively, Shen Wei's hand was on the hilt of his sword and of Wang to the poisoning powders on her waist pouch.

"My, my... young Lord, beautiful Lady, don't rush to fight out of the blue. It wasn't my intention to startle you. I was just impressed with the fast conclusion, it took us a lot more time to have the same guess." A man dressed in gray and blue, with long hair half tide up, said as he walked toward them.

Shen Wei eyes widen as he recognize the man instantly. He was an imposing figure, yet he was quite mischievous. He had a handsome face, for which he guessed, his father was probably looking a suitable bride for the hair of the Water Clan, although there were some rumors he disliked women and preferred men instead. Yet, rumors were just that... people talking about things they were not sure about but spread it anyways.

He could not be sure just by looking at him, because he was quite the man and an indisputable leader of his Clan. Besides, he had never seen him approach other men in Clans gatherings. Still... he did have a tendency to stare at him at times, but he had to admit, his gaze had also stared his way too, especially when he laughed, because it was a contagious one, right from the heart.

"Lord Yunlan... I know we are quite close to the border between our lands, but this place is still under our territory. What are you doing in here?" Shen Wei asked, still with his hand over his hilt. Handsome or not, he had a country to protect, even from a rightful man like him.

"Didn't your Clan got the message? All seven successors of the Clans are to meet with the Star Oracle as well. Apparently, we will be part of whatever our fathers are planning. I was close by, then I notice the gathering and... well, I was curious, my Prince, pardon the rude intrusion of the Fire Clan matters." Wang couldn't help but smile, she liked the Water Prince, but most of all, his personal healer, Sang Zan.

"I have hear nothing of it... and why..." His next question was interrupted as a fire bird descended toward them. The fire belonged to his father, so Shen Wei, extended his arms, so the bird made of crimson fire would land on his palm. 

Zhao Yunlan watched with amusement as the handsome Prince got his message later than he should. He shivered a bit as the little fire thing touched his delicate white skin. Although, as a master of fire, the flame didn't burn him, still, he preferred not playing with fire...well, not that kind of fire anyways. He was definitely hot for the Prince, thought, he keep it to himself.

After the hot Prince read the encrypted fire arranged words, the bird transformed into, he looked at him, with an apology clear on his beautiful dark eyes, that make him smile inside out. The Fire Prince even blushed, probably embarrassed for not receiving the message sooner. The message was probably sent to the palace first, when he was out in the border, having a look at the strange deaths of the merchants.

"Lord Yunlan, my deepest apologies... It was rude of me to..." Shen Wei begin, slightly bowing his head in guilt. 

"Ah, Lord Wei, don't be too formal, there is no need to apologize. I was also having a look to something disturbing in our border, when I notice your presence close by. So, were you summon too?" Yunlan asked.

"Ah, yes... we were granted permission to use summoning fire. If you wish, we can use it together, as we are both going to the same place." Zhao smiled. He was such a kind man.

"I rather use water, it's less hot." He offer instead.

"This is our land, so I am more in tune with the energy in here. I assure you, my fire will never burn you." Yunlan laughed despite himself. He didn't mind his burn, in other ways, but well...

"Alright, let me call my healer..."

"Oh, is Sang here too?" Wang asked, impulsively, making both Shen Wei and Yunlan smile, knowing of the crush between the two.

"Ah, forbidden young love..." Zhao teased.

"Please, Lord Yunlan..." Shen Wei scold him.

"You can call me plain Yunlan, Shen Wei, I am to taste your fire after all." Shen Wei blushed, before said healer join them, as he had been looking for the missing Lord for a while.

"My Lord..." Sang whisper out of breath for all the walking he did in search of his Prince.

"So you finally show up, we have been invited to travel with the royals and their summoning fire." Zhao said looking at him.

"Ah, yes...?" Sang whisper, half listening to his Lord, as he was mostly staring at the woman beside Shen Wei. Zhao rolled his eyes, before slightly hitting Sang's butt with his booth, which make him move forward, closer to Wang, who blushed even more than Shen Wei did.

"Just kiss her already..." Yunlan added, making Shen Wei sigh.

"Zhao Yunlan, you are indeed mischievous." Shen Wei said, not really surprised of his approval of normally forbidden relationships, but Zhao simply laughed.

"I find that particular rule about not marrying with other Clans quite ridiculous. Don't you?" He asked as he stared at him. There was a hint of desire in those teasing eyes and Shen Wei found himself blushing yet again.

"Never mind that, let's be on our way. We are already late." Shen Wei said as he summon two small fire weals, that he threw on the floor. They moved around them creating a summoning fire pattern, then it shined red and the four of them were gone and leaved in front of longs stairs that leaded to the Star Temple, then the summoning fire die out on the stone floor.

"Here we are..." Shen Wei said, looking at Yunlan.

"Yep, thought I don't expect anything good from this summoning." Yunlan said more seriously, as he looked at the imposing temple, located in one of the sky islands.

"My thoughts exactly." Shen Wei agree, as he moved past Yunlan. Looking at the hot Prince back, hidden behind long silky treads of hair, Yunlan smiled, walking a few steps behind him.

"I liked your fire, thought, kind yet passionate like its owner..." Shen Wei, taken by surprise by the sudden unexpected tease, trip on a step, almost falling, if strong arms didn't held him in place.

"But it may be enjoyable too..." Zhao whisper, as the hot prince blushed even further, feeling already caught in a very deadly trap, as his heart raced inside his chest, despite his better judgment. He was probably already doom. 

"AN: 😂😂 Ah, Shen Wei, you are doom indeed. Thanks for reading this teasing project, it's made for pure fun, but it will have a lot of fantasy elements. Take care my dears, until next time. To you, my dear salguez, don't worry, I will update Falling too. You will have a third and a first prince now. 👍💖😙😍😁😄❤

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