Chapter 11: The Relapse

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The next day ash had woken up early to check on his freinds, however for some reason he felt like he was being watched. He shrugged it off and walked down stairs to be death hugged while all of his freinds sobbed.

" Oh Ash!, We missed you so much!" they all  said

" I missed you guys to!" Ash said. "anyway I guess I can fill you in on mew two and me . "

" Omg  has he hurt you!" James said .

"No he hasn't hurt me, and he said he won't ." ash replied.

" Really?!" they all say.

" Yep!" Ash said.

After answering some yes or no questions most of them had calmed down except one question .

" Ash how can you like him !" Mew said .

"I--I never mind lets have fun, It is my birthday after all, besides I want to hear about you guys !"

"Okay. I guess " mew said .

Time skip 

it had been some hours and every one was enjoying themselves, until mew two showed up . 

" well hello, Friend kidnapper !" Misty said.

Mew two glared at misty.

" Whoa Easy there guys, It's my birthday can't we all get along!"  Ash said

Both  sighed "Yes." both said .

It was now in the afternoon, music was being played as the gang danced to it.

 when James pulled ash away from the group

" why aren't you hating him? He took you away from us!"

" He is not bad ! And before you say it, he is not a monster!"

"Yes he is!!" james said

" Wait you love him! " misty said 

" I--I I don't love him!" ash said. Suddenly mew two heard that his heart broke . No he can't hate me I -I need him . I LOVE HIM! Mew two thought. He turned to ash crying and running away mew two quietly following.

" Hello ash." Mew two said.

"Mew two I didn't mean what I said. I was scared what James would do and I paincked." ash said.

" Oh no, you're not the one to blame... You just being brainwashed by those horrid humans ! But don't worry. We'll fix that... " Mew two said as his eyes glowed ash couldn't look away.

" what are yo-u ... oh.." ash said as his eyes became  a glossy  purple.

" You don't needs those fakes, all you need is right here with me. I can give you the one thing you've wanted since that  fatefull day. The day that boy broke your preicous, fragile heart~! LOVE~! " Mewtwo said 

"hun" ash said

"I LOVE YOU, I don't want anyone else , Just think a world that bows to your beauty! A world that will accept you! A world that can't say no to you~! A world that dosen't have people like your father in it~!  So tell me My Queen, Will you be My Empress ?!"

" Yes My Love."

" That's a good boy, now you'll go out there and tell those people to surrender, or  those pepole will leave this place and NEVER EVER COME BACK!"

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

" That's a good boy, now you'll go out there and tell those people to surrender, or  those pepole will leave this place and NEVER EVER COME BACK!"

" YES MY LOVE" ash said.

" What have you done to Ash!" Misty yelled

" Nothing, except show him how he dosen't need nasty, ugly, and fake freinds like you~! All you do is use him, well i don't think ash wants to be used anymore do you ash?  " Mewtwo purred

" No my love." ash said

" RRRRRRR! That's it! you're going to pay now Mewtwo!" Misty said.

" Oh really?" mew two said as he threw her against the wall .

"AAAAH!!!!" misty yelled.

" What the? Misty! Huh! Ash!" mew said.

" Mew i want you to surrender or Leave this place and NEVER EVER COME BACK." Ash said.


Mew two flung mew back 50000,0000 miles after she said that . 

"PIkACHU!!!!!!" PIKACHU said as he bit down on mew two.

" Yowl! why you little! Hmph I know something that make you stop" mew two said as  his eyes glowed.

Pikachu yelped as he fell this caused ash to snap out of the hypnosis he was under.

" PICKACHU! umph! DON"T worry i've got you!" ash said as he caught the yellow mouse .

 " Ash you're back again!" James said.

"What do you- hun! Mewtwo what have you done!" Ash said

" ASH ! I can EXPLAIN!" Mew two 

" You tried to hypnotizing me into loving you?!"

Ash said as he began to cry.

  " No, I would never!  These people only care because you were gone. Misty was always mean to you, why is she now being suddenly nice? Hmm? Team rocket always was comming after you and pikachu. They don't care ash, they never did. They only want to toy with your heart. " Mew two said convicly 

" I-I n-no they wouldn't ! would they ?! " Ash said as he bellived mew two .

"Ash don't bellive him! We may have done bad things in the past, but we truly do care !"

" No you don't care! Only Mewtwo does... " ash said hypnotized once more 

" yesss....." Mew two said smirking 

" Mew two said smirking 

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

" I want you to leave this place " Ash said .

" No Ash snap out of it!" his friends said.

" That's a good boy now sleep ....." Mew two said.

Ash soon was asleep in Mew two's arms . 

" Ash is mine ! Fools!" Mew two said.

" I will deal with you latter..." Mew two said before disappearing with ash.

When I Met you: MEWTWO X ASHTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang