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Teigan woke up on Monday, with Weightless by All Time Low playing from her phone, with a smile still on her face from the day before. She couldn't believe that she had actually spoken to Camryn yesterday and was already looking forward to their next interaction.

She had a day off work today as she was working late yesterday and was so excited to go out shopping with her twin sister, Becca. They had always been close, but it had been more difficult for them recently as Teigan had left school and now worked full time, whereas her sister was doing her last year of school.

It's not that Teigan didn't want to finish school, she had plans to go to university so needed the qualifications from her last year but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. She had been so miserable at that place for 5 years and when her dad passed away during the summer, it was the last straw for her. They had always been close and he was the one who always talked her through everything when things got tough and he was the reason that she still managed to get out of bed every morning to face the day. Whenever she would get bullied at school and come home so upset, he always used to cheer her up in every possible way that he could.

That's why when he died, it felt like she just went in to complete shutdown. She knew he was ill, but that's why she wanted to go to university. She was going to train to be a nurse so that she could care for him so that her mum didn't have to send him away when she struggled to cope. Teigan was determined to fix her family and her dad believed in her. He knew that she could do it and was pushing her along and supporting her at every step.

But during the summer, he was killed in a bus crash.

Teigan didn't know what to do with herself but somehow had to continue to exist and do everything she always did as normal. She had to be strong for her mum and her sister as she knew that they were hurting just as much as she was. They knew, because of his illness that his life wouldn't be long but they knew that he still had a few years left - especially since treatments were getting better and better. What they didn't expect was for his bus home from his hospital appointment that day would crash and kill him.

She didn't like to dwell on it too much because it just made her sad. There was nothing that she could do to change it and she knew that her dad would want her to move on, be happy and achieve her dreams, whether he's still there or not - but she just couldn't bring herself to do it.

So instead she left school and started working full-time instead of part-time at the job he got her at the track that he used to work at. She felt closer to him here than anywhere else, as motorsport was always something that they enjoyed together and they watched it live and on TV together whenever they got the chance. When he was really ill and couldn't even leave the house he would get Teigan to phone him from the track and give him the commentary and tell him who was winning because he couldn't bear not being there.

Sometimes she wondered that maybe the reason she invested herself so much in her dads interests was just to get his approval and to try and bring them closer together. If that had been it, it had definitely worked but there was always something in the back of her mind that told her that if she ever came out to her dad this would go away - and this was why she maybe tried to overcompensate it.

Since she was a child, she knew there was something different about her compared to her friends and everybody around her and she could never figure out what it was. This was until she realised that she was bisexual and that was when everything started to make sense.

She never did know how her dad would take it though, and it was something that she had spent many sleepless nights thinking about and since he passed away, she had been so conflicted between regret and relief at the fact that she never told him.

She regretted it because she felt like he never really knew the real her. Despite how close they were, there was still this whole part of her that she put a wall around and he had no idea. He always thought that he did know everything about her and she just never corrected him as even if she wanted to, she wouldn't have even known where to begin to tell him.

There was, however, also a great sense of relief as although she thought her dad would have probably been fine with it, there was always that chance that he would react completely differently than what she predicted. It was a terrifying thought that this one thing could change - or even end their whole relationship and this was the last thing that she wanted and now she knew that she never would receive a negative reaction from her dad. She had worked so hard to let him know that she was fine and that she fit in and was just like everybody else and now she didn't have to experience him finding out that she wasn't.

The thought of her dad's reaction, however, did inspire and encourage her to perhaps finally come out to someone and as she walked around about twenty different clothes shops picking out new outfits with her sister, she decided that today would be the day.

When they had finished lunch at their favourite restaurant they headed home to sort out their shopping. They put on the TV in the background, just watching the first thing that came on and chatting over the top of it.

"Hey, I have something that I was going to tell you today..." started Teigan, getting visbly nervous in front of her sister.

"You know you can tell me anything", replied Becca with a worried tone in her voice after seeing how nervous her sister seemed to be.

"I'm bisexual" Teigan just got straight to the point with it. The more she tries to build up to and talk around it the more nervous she was going to ger so it was better just to come out with it.

Becca ran over and gave her a massive hug.

"Oh my god!! I actually had no idea" she exclaimed "does that make me a bad sister?"

"No of course not!! It just means that I did a good job at hiding it, just like I was trying to do", she replied truthfully.

"It makes me sad that you felt you had to hide it though, have you told anyone else?"

"No, only you and I have no idea how, when or if I even want to tell anyone else"

"Don't worry about that right now then, as long as you are comfortable with and know yourself and remember that I'm always here for you and I love you so much, no matter what"

"I love you too," Teigan said back, tears in her eyes. "Thank you for being so cool with this, it really means a lot"

"No problem", the other twin replied, smothering her in a bear hug.



So this was Teigan's backstory and an introduction to her sister!! For future chapters I'll probably just mainly focus on Camryn as I enjoy writing about her more but if people want it I will write more about Teigan.

Please get in touch with any suggestions and comments you have for the story, either on here or on twitter!

- Lucy :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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