Chapter 1

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Directly after he stepped out of Kamui, Obito's pair of knees buckled under the strain of his weight and he settled heavily upon the grassy ground with uncontrollable trembles. His head felt extremely wrecked and it was exceptionally difficult for him to concentrate on anything, but, still, he tries his hardest to be aware of his body's condition.

First and foremost, the lack of chakra in his system was telling. But it didn't come as a huge surprise since it did take a huge amount of chakra to travel back in time. Frankly, Obito was considered lucky to have actually managed to survive this trip intact.

The results of time travel, as Naruto had stated with a cheerful grin on his bloodstained lips, was unpredictable as it was unknown. The results may vary, with missing limbs thrown into the equation. But, theoretically, it could either end up with the death of the traveler or said traveler at death's door.

Fortunately, Obito was the latter to Naruto's prediction, though he might not have minded the former if he were completely honest.

Frankly, it was only due to Team 7's one-sided votes that Obito was selected to be the candidate for this 'fix-it', insane time travel plan of theirs (which, to put it simply, consists of saving his past-self from being groomed into old man Madara's puppet, become friends with said insane Uchiha, and getting rid of Zetsu and that demonic statue. Oh, and can't forget to keep Naruto's and Sasuke's families intact. Sounds easy. Not).

If Obito had a voice to vote, his first choice would have been Naruto, even without the fox and one foot already hovering above his grave. Or his bat-shit crazy cousin Sasuke. Hell, even that monstrous pink-headed healer who has the mentality of punch first apologize later would've been the better option.

Obito should have been the last candidate for their insane 'fix-the-past' plan if they wanted it to, you know, actually succeed, as his desire to live was as scorching as Kakashi's (and everyone knows that that bastard was suicidal at best) and his solution to fixing anything was basically to either reject reality or burn the whole world down.

Unfortunately, he was the only one alive with Kamui, and a transplant would take the receiver at least a week to recover enough for usage. Furthermore, depending on their talent, it would take months or even years to fully master his eye's unique abilities. And time was exactly what they lacked.

On the topic of eyes... He felt the implanted eye inside his left socket throb at the reminder of its true owner's death.

After they had escaped Kaguya's latest ambush, Naruto hurriedly drew a very complex seal inside of Obito's Kamui and connected it to all of their chakra reservoirs. He also (viciously) left it to Obito to drain them dry.

If he was a true Konoha shinobi, he would have wavered. But Obito was a twisted and broken man and he didn't hesitate to activate the array. The seal (Obito) killed Team 7 and the remaining bijuus within seconds.

Obito sighed morosely as he compartmentalized, just like how old man Madara had taught him to do so. It was futile to think about it further, as nothing would change even if he did.

Closing his eyes, he held back the typical Uchiha unhinged laugh that wanted to escape his bloodstained lips and mentally scanned his physical condition as a form of distraction.

Judging by the blood dribbling down his chin and blood clots floating inside his mouth, he definitely has a few internal bleeds and broken ribs during his short skirmish against Kaguya. As for the hole in his gut and left collarbone... Obito had a feeling that he would need to staunch them before he actually bleeds to death.

However, his limbs were being frustratingly uncooperative at the moment. And the lack of chakra meant that the Hashirama cells inside his prosthetics could not actively bring forth a miraculous recovery.

What a dilemma, Obito lamented in his head.

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