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EternallyFabulous: Will everyone please explain to Alexander that I don’t get jealous?

NaturallyBlond: This is Alec we’re talking about, Magnus.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: True. He’s never going to believe someone’s jealous about him.

A.Lightwood: Shut up, Fray.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Oh, so it’s okay when Jace says it?

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Also, it's FAIRCHILD.

A.Lightwood: He’s my parabatai.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: And I’m your little sister.

A.Lightwood: Our parents have literally been dating for a week.

BadassInStilettos: Both of you shut up.

BadassInStilettos: Will someone please explain to me why Magnus is jealous?

EternallyFabulous: I told you, I don’t get jealous!

A.Lightwood: He’s upset that I spoke to Underhill about our relationship problems.

EternallyFabulous: Alexander, what have I told you about airing out our dirty laundry to the entire Institute?

A.Lightwood: It’s just our family!

Clary: Awwww

A.Lightwood: Except you.

NaturallyBlond: Alec!

WolfGirl: What the hell is going on?

StarWars4Life: Alec called us his family.

A.Lightwood: And you.

StarWars4Life: ....

NaturallyBlond: How the hell did you read that far up?

NaturallyBlond: Why the hell did you read that far up?

StarWars4Life: I’m always watching, Jace. I’m always watching.

NaturallyBlond: Maia how often do you put up with this crap?

WolfGirl: Every single day of my life.

StarWars4Life: Maia!

WolfGirl: What?

BadassInStilettos has added JustHilling to this conversation.

A.Lightwood: Izzy, what the hell?

EternallyFabulous: I second that.

WolfGirl: Um, hi?

JustHilling: ...hello?

JustHilling: Why am I here?

BadassInStilettos: To find out why Magnus is so jealous of you.

EternallyFabulous: Isabelle Sophia Lightwood, do not make me fire you.

A.Lightwood: Isabelle Sophia Lightwood, do not make me fire you.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: You two are adorable.

A.Lightwood: Shut up.

EternallyFabulous: Thank you, biscuit.

JustHilling: Biscuit?

JustHilling: Wait, why is Magnus jealous of me?

NaturallyBlond: Beats me. I'm blond too, and I definitely look better.

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