New Area

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A/N - So, I need to make some things clear first. You'll talk in this story, but that will be later in this chapter, since it's going to be hard trying to write a Male Reader story when the Male Reader doesn't say anything. Also, your character will look like a regular nine year old.

Commander Douchebag blocked a strike from a Nazi Zombie, and pushed it back to its allies. Cartman cast a spell, using his asshole and a lighter to torch the entire group of enemies. Butters spun multiple times, and threw his hammer at Nazi Zombie Cow, the cow exploding upon impact. The blood from the cow flew in all directions, splashing Butters in the process. 

Butters - Aw, gross dude! I got cow guts all over my costume!

Cartman - *Laughs* You look like shit, dude!

Commander Douchebag - *Blank Stare*

Commander Douchebag noticed a portal in the corner of his eye, and walked over to it while his friends were distracted. He looked in it, but tripped on a rock, and fell in, the portal closing right after.

Butters - Hey, where's Commander Douchebag? Did he go home without telling us?

Cartman - What a dick.

-In Another Dimension-

Commander Douchebag fell face first into sand, and pushed himself off of the ground. Looking around, he found he was on a beach. Picking up his Sweet Katana, he began wandering around.

After a while of walking, he found a paved concrete path, and decided to follow it. Doing so, he came across a group of teenage girls, who were talking amongst themselves.

He lost his footing, and fell out of the bush he was hiding in, making a loud thud. He nursed his knee, hissing in pain. The girls heard the thud, and rushed over.

Girl 1 - Oh no, are you okay?

Girl 2 - A kid?

He scooted away from them, then got to his feet and ran. 

Girl 1 - Why's he running?!

Girl 2 - Follow him, he might get hurt!

The two girls chased after him, which wasn't hard since their legs were longer. They blocked his path, panting lightly. 

Girl 2 - Listen, kid. We're not going to hurt you.

Girl 1 - Yes, so please hold still. Does your knee still hurt?

The two examined his knee, seeing a red scrape, and torn jeans. 

Girl 1 - Oh, you poor thing... let me see if I can get something for that.

Girl 2 watched as Girl 1 ran off, then turned back to the kid.

Girl 2 - What's your name?

Commander Douchebag - *Blank Stare*

Girl 2 - Uh, hello?

Commander Douchebag - *Blank Stare*

Girl 2 - Um... are you mute?

Commander Douchebag still didn't respond, and Girl 2 was starting to get awkward. 

Girl 2 - Okay... if you aren't going to say anything, I'll just call you...

Girl 2 tapped her forehead, trying to think of a name. Girl 1 came back a few seconds later with a bottle of antiseptic and a box of band-aids. 

Girl 1 - I'm back! You guys doing okay?

Girl 2 - Well, I don't whether or not this kid has something wrong with him.

Girl 1 - That's not nice.

(DISCONTINUED) The Stick of Truth- Ninja and KnightsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat