Her White Wings - SaTzu

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A/N: Trying something new over here with the not completely realistic AUs. Also SaTzu. I've deprived this one shot book of SaTzu, my humbled apologies. ♥


In which Tzuyu made a silent plea for help, and a guardian angel showed up in her room that night.


Since when did the pretty girl in the movies get bullied?

Tzuyu didn't know when it started or why it was happening. She was being bullied. Helpless, alone, and afraid, she didn't have anyone to turn to either. The one time she tried talking to the dean, everyone seemed to find about it. They had a field day with her when she was out of his office.

As if being a foreign exchange student wasn't hard enough.

As if being alone in this new country with no family or friends wasn't hard enough.

As if trying to evenly spend the smallest amount of money possible for food, just so she'd have enough to last the whole month and be able to pay the rent wasn't already hard enough.

As if waking up the next day after bleeding and crying on the bathroom floor wasn't hard enough.

As if.

Dried blood crusted Tzuyu's bottom lip as she curled up by her bed that afternoon. She'd just gotten back from school, god knew how, planning on crashing onto her bed to sleep. She collapsed before she could reach the mattress. They seemed to hit her harder today. Too exhausted and in pain to make it onto her bed, Tzuyu was content with sleeping on the floor beside it. So she did.

There were tears on Tzuyu's face when she woke up from her sleep, streaking her bruised cheeks and burning the gash in her lip. It was a haunting dream, almost as haunting as her reality, that left her in this state. The room was pitch black now, any trace of the day long gone. Her body felt three times heavier when she tried to stand, the bruised ribs on her side making it difficult to even sit up. Succumbing to the darkness and the fatigue, Tzuyu gave up on even getting out of her uniform. Somehow, the tears her nightmare triggered hadn't stopped either.

Suffocating. She was suffocating in her own skin.

"P-please... Someone help me..."

Whispered words were blown off into the air, dispersing into the particles she couldn't see or feel. Her eyes were half closed again, resting as she contemplated getting up or just staying on the floor until the next morning. She couldn't really see, nor could she register that there was suddenly a light in the dark. A small speck, but it slowly grew, getting closer and larger in size until Tzuyu was squinting her eyes at what felt like someone flicking the light switch in her room.

And then she felt arms.

The warmth was surreal. She was weightless for a moment, as this being of light lifted her into the air. If she was dreaming, she didn't want it to end. What seemed like light itself laid her down onto her bed, now settled beside her. After long blinks and trying to adjust to the intensity, the light finally started to fade.

There was a girl lying beside her.

Frightened, but far too exhausted to really move, a small gasp was all Tzuyu could manage. Her eyes were wide open now, lips parted as she grew breathless, scared because she didn't have the strength to move. But this girl... She only smiled back.

"Hi, Tzuyu."

"Wh- who-"

"Shh... Relax. I'm your... Well, I'm your guardian angel," the girl smiled, and Tzuyu's heart was erratic for more than one reason now.

TWICE - One Shots Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora