Seoul Night - NaHyo

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A/N: because underrated ships need more fanfic :') Also, Protecting Trinity is in the works. Thank you for being patient. ♥


"Doesn't it ruin everything when you remember that stars are just burning balls of gaseous matter that died lightyears ago but we still see them in our sky because that's still in the future for us? Or something like that..." Nayeon trailed off, a little buzzed from the soju.

Jihyo sighed, then giggled softly, turning away from the night sky to glance at Nayeon. She poured herself some soju from the bottle between them, downing it from the little glass. She nearly choked, seeing as she was lying flat on her back, but the liquid made its way down her throat somehow, warm as it settled in her stomach.

"At least they're still pretty to look at, right?" she asked, making Nayeon hum in agreement.

"Jihyo, when the world ends... What would we do? When we don't see stars in the sky anymore, what do we do?"

Jihyo was slightly surprised by the change in Nayeon's tone, her voice having become soft, vulnerable almost. It was odd, and her question was vague, but it made her try to come up with an answer anyway. She moved the bottle aside and scooted closer, lacing their fingers.

"A night without stars... The thought of that makes me want to cry, actually. It's my favourite thing about the night, not even the moon. It's the stars, and the way some are bigger and some are smaller. The way they're scattered all over this vast, never ending universe, billions of miles away. Sure, they're all dead now, but they gave us the gift of watching them burn so brightly and beautifully. I don't know what we'd do. I can't ever give this up. I can't give up a Seoul night."

While Jihyo adored the sky, dusted with glittery stars across infinity, Nayeon took to staring at her. And she realised, the world would only end if the stars in Jihyo's eyes disappeared. If the spark, the love, the hope in her eyes were to end, then Nayeon wouldn't know what to do. She realised, that she could live without the stars in the sky, but not without the universe in Jihyo's eyes.

Jihyo turned to Nayeon, surprised by her hand on her jaw, cupping the side of her face. Her friend stared right into her eyes, as if trying to commit the spectacular sky in them to memory.

"Jihyo. I can live without that. Looking into your eyes, it's making me see that the universe you hold is something I find much greater, much more intense, and spectacular, and vast, and beautiful."

"N-Nayeon, where is this coming from?" Jihyo breathed out, growing nervous from the intense seriousness of Nayeon's tone, and the emotion in her words.

"Jihyo, I need to tell you this. I need you to know that I've... fallen in love with you, and I hadn't realised it all these years we've known each other. We're not seeing other people, and when we talk about things like that... Did you know that you're the one I see? You're the one I see in my head when I imagine how it's like to feel loved romantically, to be taken care of and protected. You're the one I see myself loving. You're the one I see myself waking up to when I imagine what love is really like. Jihyo... Jihyo, please, please tell me you feel the same," Nayeon softened into a whisper, her eyes pooling with tears.

Jihyo reached out, catching a falling tear with her thumb against Nayeon's cheek. This was new to her, all of it. It was scary, but Nayeon meant the most to her. She'd do anything for her.

"Nayeon... I-"

"Please, let me be your Seoul night. Don't ever give me up, Jihyo. Can't you see me burning brightly just for you?"

And Jihyo could. Nayeon had a flare like no one else in this world. Jihyo could see it now, she could see how Nayeon burned so spectacularly, and it was just for her. She wiped another stray tear, tenderly cupping her cheeks.

"You are my Seoul night, Nayeon. Look at you, the way you burn so bright just for me. You're my Seoul night," Jihyo whispered, smiling, and Nayeon choked out a sob of pure relief.

They were hugging each other now, with Nayeon's face buried against Jihyo's neck, her arms hugging the girl's waist as tightly as she could.

"I love you, I love you so much," Nayeon mumbled against Jihyo, but the latter heard it clearly.

"I love you too, Nayeon. You know I do," Jihyo whispered back, making Nayeon straighten up until she was back to being taller than the latter.

"I'm going to kiss you, okay?" she said in a whisper, awaiting Jihyo's response.

Jihyo didn't say a word, but she bit her bottom lip, nodding slowly as her cheeks heated up. Nayeon kept one arm around her waist, while one hand gently held her jaw. She leaned in carefully, watching Jihyo's eyes close as she got closer.

Delicately, her mouth met the latter's, their lips pressed together in the gentlest kiss. It was soft, cautious, and new. The feeling was fragile, as if a single drop of rain or the slightest breeze would destroy it. They melted into each other, needing nothing but the touch and the safety they felt engulfed in. Their lips moved slow, synchronised like they were meant to be.

When they pulled apart, it had been almost a minute of them tasting and feeling each other in a new, precious light. They panted softly, refilling their lungs with air.

"My Seoul night. I'm sorry you had to wait this long," Jihyo whispered, cheeks still flushed from the kiss.

Nayeon shook her head lightly, placing a featherlight kiss on jihyo's forehead.

"I'd wait till we don't see stars in the sky anymore if it's for you, Jihyo."

"You don't have to wait anymore. We're here now, together. You're mine, and I'm yours," Jihyo smiled, shining like the one and only star Nayeon needed.


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