Warrior: Normal

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Life was back to normal. Everyone who fought in the recent war went back to their jobs, every shop open, the streets busy with life again. Since the feast was a mere week ago, talk about the battles was still fresh. Mostly its people boasting about their kills or technique, but for me, all I want to talk about is the sky.

Since this war took place on the enemy's planet, all the warriors got to travel there, except for the few who stayed behind for defense. And since I'm the best warrior, I was sent to travel.

We typically don't pay attention to the landscape. Why would we? We're there to fight and eliminate. Not to go sightseeing.

And yet on the battleground, I was distracted still.

Fire was blazing around me. Blades flying in the air. Gunfire hitting at my entire squad. And as I raised my gun, my eyes caught a glimpse of the setting sun.

Beautiful, I thought.

I lowered my weapon. I couldn't break eye contact. The sky began to turn into an array of colors, purple to pink, yellow to orange. The sunlight highlighted the ruins of the city we demolished, making it feel like paradise for a sweet moment.

Then the sky went dark and I raised my weapon once again.

Today is normal. Aside from several hours of training, I could finally relax again. My morning meal was normal food, as it had been for the past week now, and I'm allowed to eat with utensils again. My drinks are normal fruit instead of the "fruit of the enemy." Somehow the air even seems more normal.

And yet, as I walk in the marketplace, everyone else seems to despise the normality. They wear their new crafted jewelry and show off their new scars. Some reminisce about starving for days in battle while shoving their face with food. Others complain about being bored, itching for another war, trying to find another planet to defeat.

The suns' harsh light burns down on me, the two stars shine air in the sky. It must be a bit after noon. As I wipe the sweat off my forehead, I decide it's time for a bath. I begin my walk to the waterfall by the palace.

"Lovely day, isn't it Princess?" A citizen greets me as we pass.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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