Virus: Mind

21 4 0

Wires. Around my wrists and snaking down my arms.

They grip tightly onto me as I hang from the ceiling and I grip back onto them. My legs dangle in the air, the floor almost a dozen feet away. My eyes are closed but if I open them I'll still see darkness. Suddenly I begin to see a light in the distance. The light inches closer and closer; my hands grip tighter onto the wires. My steady breathing starts to get heavier. My throat closes up. My chest feels hotter. The light gets closer and closer.

I think I hear a voice, "Remember. Remember."

My head is pounding, I feel sweat drip down the side of my face. I scream back at the hidden voice, "I'm trying!" And yet my mouth doesn't move. The darkness almost is completely faded away. I realize I'm holding my breath as the last bit of light fills the room and-

The lights in my room switch on.

"Another Good Morning isn't it Stella?" Computer greets in their typical cheery voice. I nod and strands of my white hair fall onto my face. Computer's white rim around the screen shines as always, and the machine floats over to me.

I hesitate, not wanting to leave my bed. I'm not tired, and yet I don't wish to leave. I squint my eyes I glance up, a white light shining above and my head feels like it's spinning so I look away.

Why did the light always have to feel so harsh?

Computer activates the wires and they slowly lower me down. Now I only hover about a foot from the ground. I'm carried over to the other side of my bedroom.

"Excited to start our day?" Computer displays a smile on their screen, it's overly joyful so I divert my eyes. The machine activates the closet and the wall opens up, revealing all my of clothes. The racks of clothing slowly rotate. "What shall we wear today, Stella?"

I shrug. I don't see the point in choosing, most of it's all the same. One suit may be blue and the other purple, but the choice makes no difference.

Computer pulls out a bodysuit, made of advanced grey spandex material, with a black and white diagonal line that wrap around my arms and waist. The lines are supposed to be for design, Computer says it looks nice, but to me, it feels just like the wires...holding me.

A few wires untangle from the rest and grab the outfit. The wires put the clothing on me. Once they finish I'm finally placed onto the ground and released. My bare feet step onto the cold floor. I don't wait for another second and begin to walk, already aware of what's next. I already know each and every word the Computer will say.

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