Chapter 1

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I'm moving to California today, I'm sad to say goodbye but i have to move for my dads work. I'm going to miss my friends. I don't like thinking in the past so I'm exited for this move to California. I've grown up in   Tennessee i also have a group of best friends that are all sad to see me go but were always going to Skype. 

Anyway for a bit about me,I'm medium height and i have brown curly hair just past my shoulders and brown eyes. I wouldn't say I'm girly girly and i don't always wear makeup so does that make me a tomboy but i don't mind getting all dressed up, sometimes i love curling or straightening my hair but anyways, I'm off to the airport and i cant wait to get to California.



Its my first time writing a fan fiction and I'm not sure about it but it should get better in the middle:-)

I hope you like it, i will try update a lot!

Thanks Xx

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