Chapter 34 ~ A Pirate's Life

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"Serves you right, Silver. There are much worse fates for backstabbing scoundrels than simply losing what they've gained."

"Aye," said Silver, his expression darkening. "Yer words be true. That treasure was taken from me and lost to the depths once more. A vile treasure it be. Summons all manner of unwanted attention."

Mia listened to the back and forth exchange between the two pirates. She had to chew her lip to keep from giggling in a geeky, fan-girlish manner every time Silver called Hook 'Jim-boy.' No doubt Hook wouldn't take kindly to her amusement.

Silver's expression brightened as he slammed his hand merrily upon the table as though signaling an end to such unpleasantries. "So tell me, Jim," he said, "Ye still tryin' ta murder a little boy?"

With a glare, Hook retorted, "Are you still in love with one, Silver?"

Gone was the amiable expression from Silver's face. "Ye best watch yer tone, James," he said darkly. "Jim Hawkins was like a son ta me. I loved that boy like I was 'is father."

"Yes, and we see where that got you," said Hook dryly.

"Ye'd never understand what yer incapable of ye'self, Jim. Ye haven't a heart. Don't know how I coulda' expected otherwise with the lot ye've thrown in with."

Hook slammed his namesake on the table so hard that the wood splintered. "Don't pretend to know so much about me, Silver!" he shouted. "You know nothing!"

The men looked as though it were taking every last ounce of their willpower not to run each other through. Sensing the danger and wanting to diffuse a potentially volatile situation, Mia interjected.

"So, uh, h-hey," she stammered, smiling and placing a hand on Hook's shoulder. "I see you're in need of a refill, and Mr. Silver and I have yet to be served. So why don't I, uh, go get us all some, uh, some spirits, yeah?"

Hook seemed to relax and Silver leaned back in his seat, smiling up at her. "Aye. A good plan, lass."

"So yeah, uh, don't... don't kill each other while I'm gone, okay? That would definitely traumatize me, and that wouldn't be in good form now, would it?" Chuckling nervously, Mia hurried from the table to procure the men some drinks, hoping that some good spirits would in turn lift theirs - because she definitely did not want to be in the crossfire of a potential pirate feud.

"Got a good head betwixt her shoulders, that one," said Silver as they watched her go.

"Yes..." said Hook. "You have no idea."

Seeing that Mia had gotten safely to the bar without incident, Hook turned his gaze back to his table mate. "What is it you really want, Silver? Is there a point to this encounter, or did you just join me here to antagonize me so?"

"I never wanted ta antagonize yeh, Jim. We've had our problems in the past, that be true. But truth be told, I've always thought highly of ya."

Hook let out a dismissive laugh. "Ha! Thought highly of me? That's preposterous! If you thought anything of me, you wouldn't have left me on that island."

Silver shook his head and sighed. "I left ya, lad, 'cause I discovered the treasure of Coeur du Mer was cursed. I wanted ya ta have no part in it. That's why I lost it. T'was taken back to the depths by powers far beyond our control. I was lucky ta git outta it with me life intact. The same could not be said for me men. That's why I come to ya today, Jim-boy."

Hook's eyes narrowed. "I'm not sure I follow."

At the bar, Mia found Ninette leaning over the counter with her bosom on display for a chuckling buccaneer who was slipping gold coins into her cleavage as though it were a slot machine. Inhaling slowly through her nose and steeling herself against the rampaging debauchery going on around her, Mia cleared her throat. The man and Ninette's gaze fell on her, the latter with a glare.

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