"No. No it won't," Jaemin turns to leave.

At this, he promptly exits the room and leaves Jeno alone. Deciding that there's no use for him to be in the kitchen anymore, Jeno wanders back out into the parlor.


Jeno takes a sip of the piping hot tea, nearly burning his tongue. He lets out a deep breath through his nose and shuts his eyes as he feels the warmth run through him. He leans back in the armchair and lets his head rest against the plush upholstery.

"Listen, I know we have gotten off on the wrong foot, but if you were so generous as to allow us a chance to start over, I would be incredibly grateful," the still drowsy man across from him requests.

Jeno looks over and peers at him through half lidded eyes. He raises an eyebrow at him, but finds Jaemin's expression is sincere and unchanging. No faint smile, no twitching muscles in his face, and no involuntary movements. He's as still as a rock as he waits intently for an answer.

Jeno chews at his bottom lip for several moments as he ponders this. He was still very much disgruntled by the situation Jaemin put him in as well as the blatant humiliation in front of Doctor Moon. He knew he should give Jaemin a second chance, but part of him didn't exactly want to considering this would mean Jaemin getting let off the hook for these things. He deserved an apology, and he wasn't going to let that be brushed aside.

"Maybe I could consider it..." Jeno murmurs as he takes another sip of his drink.

Jaemin's expression lights up as a bright grin spreads across his face.

"Oh, thank-"

"I was not finished yet," Jeno cuts the man off, causing his smile to falter, "I will consider it if you make up for the past several hours."

"Make up for it?" Jaemin grows confused, "Are you asking for more pay?"

"No," Jeno grins smugly.

"Then what in God's name do you want?" Jaemin grows frustrated, creases forming around his mouth as a frown takes place of the once joyful smile.

"A shortened contract," Jeno proposes, "The longer I work with you, the less opportunities I can acquire and-"


"Excuse me?"

"I said no."

The upper hand which Jeno had is lost in that moment, and he could feel an uncontrollable fire ignite in his chest.

Jisung steps out from the kitchen and into the parlor. He stops in his tracks quite suddenly at the tense atmosphere and refuses to move a muscle.

"What am I? A slave to you?" Jeno bellows.

A silent Jisung furrows his brow whilst staring in bewilderment at Jeno, his mouth now slightly agape.

"You are by no means a slave. I am appalled that you would use such a term for a contractual agreement," Jaemin fires back, though much calmer than Jeno.

"Then why do you deny me my freedom?" Jeno roars out as he grips tightly onto his teacup.

"Pardon my outburst, but you have absolutely no right comparing your generously paid position to that of a slave!" Jisung speaks out in fury, "There are people much less fortunate than you who prostitute themselves on the streets because they are unable to hold a proper job in this day and age!"

"Jisung, please," Jaemin utters softly as he looks towards the boy with solemn eyes.

"You should be grateful that a man such as Jaemin could employ you with such benefits as to live here and to have proper resources to live whilst employed! You know nothing of the struggles of the truly poor!" Jisung barks at the stunned Jeno.

"Jisung," Jaemin speaks yet again, but at a more audible volume.

"And some people would kill to have their loved ones in your position!" Jisung rages, "But no, the most ungrateful men get the jobs that the ones in need deserve."

"Jisung!" Jaemin cries out, though he lacks any sense of anger to his raised voice.

The boy finally purses his lips, but only for a moment.

"I am going out for a stroll," he announces bitterly as he trudges in the direction of the front door.

"Jisung, it's not safe to visit him. I told you-"

"Sir, I appreciate your concerns, but, frankly, I do not care right now," Jisung pauses behind Jeno's seat, "I will be back by daybreak."

At this, the boy strides off. Jeno and Jaemin remain silent as he leaves, neither one stopping him from doing so. Jeno shuts his eyes as he hears the door slam shut with a thunderous bang. He exhales deeply, feeling a pit form in his stomach. The air is still for several long minutes upon the servant's departure, and it isn't until Jeno stands from his seat that any further actions are taken.

"I'll go after him," Jeno murmurs.

"No...he wants to go alone," Jaemin rubs the bridge of his nose with his index and forefinger, "If you try and stop him, he'll only be more vicious and defensive. He's much like a cat in that sense."

"We cannot just let him go out there when a murderer is on the loose," Jeno disputes.

"I do not like the idea of him being alone, either, but it is a very tricky situation. Especially since I know exactly where he is headed," Jaemin rubs his eyes.

"Where is he going?" Jeno questions.

"I am not one to reveal information about Jisung's personal life, Mr. Lee. It is his business and his business alone," Jaemin answers dismissively, "So I believe this conversation is over. I will leave my gas lamp for you to take to guide you back to your quarters...Goodnight."

Jaemin then stands from his seat and disappears into the kitchen. Jeno taps his index finger against his own cup, briefly contemplating doing as Jaemin suggested.

No, Jisung needed an apology, and he most certainly needed protection whilst out at night. To leave him be and let him walk alone at this time was a mistake: one which Jeno wasn't willing to make.

He places his cup down on his seat, snatches up the lamp, and bolts towards the door. He hastily puts his shoes on and quietly slips out of the Na manor.

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