"Okay okay daddy-no more tickle monster." She laughed.

"Okay no more." He smiled before getting out the car and going over to help her out her car seat.

Walking up the the door he knocked on it. A couple seconds later Summer opened the door wearing nothing but a robe.

"Hey baby." She pulled Maia in grabbing her things from Montana. "You had fun?"

"Yea." She mumbled looking up at her dad as he looked at Montana.

"You ain't gone give ya pops some love?" He held his arms out. Maia smiled before walking up him and he lifted her up kissing her on the cheek. "I love you mama."

"I love you too daddy." She said as he put her down.

Summer pulled Maia in before looking up at Montana. "Go inside and out ya stuff down and let mommy and daddy talk real quick." She handed Maia her bag.

Maid nodded before running off in the back.

"You wasn't gonna call me to tell me you was bringing her back already?" She folded her arms leaning on the door.

"If you answered ya motherfucking phone you would of known."

"I was busy."

"I don't give a fuck. If I'm calling you answer yo fuckin' phone-and lemme ask you something you been bringing some nigga over here?" He stepped closer to her.

"Yes I have..and Montana? This my house I can bring whoever the fuck I want to over here."

Montana chuckled looking at her. "You must be out of ya rabbit ass mind. This your house summer? Did you pay for this shit? No, you lucky cause the only reason I ain't stop paying for this shit is because of my daughter. Let her tell me one more thing bout you and some nigga and I will fuck you and him up. Talking crazy to me like you be paying these motherfucking bills." He pointed his finger in her face.

"Whatever, Montana." She rolled her eyes.

"You betta remember that shit." He said before turning on his heels and walking off as she closed her door.

Kacey Kehlani Lamont

Kacey Kehlani Lamont

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"Oh my god." Kacey laughed loudly as she recorded Majors first time eating a lime.

"You making that face but you know you like it-keep on eating it."

Picking him up off the carpet she walked with him to the kitchen throwing the like away before going into the fridge.

"Okay let's see-should I cook some Rice and baked chicken or Mac and cheese with ribs?" She said out loud for which one she wanted to cook.

"Chi."Major clapped as he smiled showing his two front teeth.

"Chicken and rice it is." She high fived him then walking putting him in his high chair.

Taking her phone off the counter where she left it so went to Netflix looking for a baby show before putting the phone in front of him.

"Please do no drop my phone again." She said to him as if he was listening to her.

Walking to the cabinet she got out the bag of rice and placed it on the counter, then she went into the freezer getting out the chicken.

Getting out a pan and foil she put it on the counter since she was gonna be using it later.


Now waiting on the water for the rice to bowl since the chicken was finished she sat down on one of the kitchen stools on her phone as Major whined for it.

"Boy this is my phone you don't pay this bill." She shook her head chuckling as he put his arms out reaching for it.

"Phone." Major started kicking his feet whining.

"Major don't make me pop you." She looked over at him as he started to cry.

Turning her head hearing the door closed she looked seeing Montana walking in.

"Dada." Major said holding his arms out with tears rolling down his cheek once he seen Montana.

Kacey watched as Montana walked over towards the kitchen with a smile plastered on his face as he picked Major up out of his high chair.

She couldn't hide the smile that showcased on her face. Montana was a great father to both of his kids and that's something she couldn't take away from him. She loved the bond he and major shared.

"You giving mommy a hard time ain't chu?"He pinched his cheek as Major shook his head.

"His little ass mad cause I won't give him my phone." She shook her head getting off the stool going to the stove pouring the rice in.

She turned around seeing Montana pulling his phone out giving it to Major. She scoffed as she leaned on the counter watching him place him back into the high chair.

"Why you gonna give him your phone.You can't just give him the phone when he wants it. He gone grow up thinking he can get his way whenever he wants." She looked at Montana as he looked at her placing his keys on the counter.

"Look Kacey I ain't got time to argue or hear nothing right now, I'm tired A'ight?"

"Okay but I'm not trying to argue you either you act like what I'm saying is wrong. I just don't want him to grow up thinking he can act like that?"

"Would you rather him crying and shit?"

"That's not the po- Know What never mind do as you please Montana." She turned around checking on the rice.

Montana stood there for a few seconds before walking out the kitchen and up the steps.

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