5- Green Headed Step Child

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This chapter is uneditied.

IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE TWEAKED THE STORY EVER SO SLIGHTLY!!! In the past chapters it had talked about Bethany wearing tank tops. THOSE HAVE BEEN CHANGED!! It now says she wears sweaters. YOU'LL FIND OUT WHY IN THIS CHAPTER!! I hope you enjoy!!


I woke up late and jumped into the shower with only enough time to wash my hair and body. I got out and shook my hair out to let it dry as I threw on my boot cut jeans with worn out holes in the knees and a black tank top with my favorite red and black flannel.

I ran a brush threw my hair to get out the knots before shaking it out again and running downstairs and grabbing my messenger bag. My mom was just sitting down with her cup of coffee when I made it down the last step.

"Is my truck here yet?" I asked grabbing a piece of toast off the plate in front of her.

She shook her head. "It's supposed to get here by the end of the night."

"Howm my possed to get to shewl?" I asked her with a mouth full of toast.

"Lash has been sitting in the driveway for the past thirty minutes waiting for you." She replied casually.

I felt my eyes go wide. "What?!" I ran to the front door and heard a truck running in the driveway. "Bye mom!" I called behind me before rushing out the front door.

He saw me and leaned over to open the passenger door for me. "Mornin'" he said.

"Morning." I replied out of breath.

"Well, well. I just don't think this will do. You need to change." He said shaking his head.

"What?" I looked over and saw him clearly. He was wearing a black cowboy had that covered his hair. A black and red button down flannel and a pair of dark, boot cut jeans that were being held up by a thick leather belt with a bull head buckle. Looking down his legs I saw he had holes in the knees.

"Well? You gonna change? I can't be seen wearin' almost the same thing as someone else. What will people think?"

I glared at him. "We have no time! School starts soon and were going to be late!"

Kash chuckled. "If you say so. 'Sides, you're new, nobody will care." 

I leaned back into the seat as Kash pulled out of my driveway in down the road. I closed my eyes as he turned the radio on. 'Play It Again' came on and I grinned and started humming along.

"You like country?" Kash asked.

I opened one eye and glanced over at him and nodded before closing my eyes again, continuing to hum along with the song. He turned up the volume a bit and we drove with the radio as the only sound the rest of the way.

I was about to drift off when the truck turned off. I opened both my eyes and saw a small, brick high school building sitting on an open lot. There were still some stragglers running inside the double doors as to not be late for class.

Kash and I climbed out of his truck and as soon as both doors were closed, the first bell rang. Kash walked ahead of me and I followed reluctantly behind him. We walked into the building and were imidiatly hit by cool air.

Kash directed us to the front office and he held the door open for me as I walked in. Behind the front desk a short pudgy lady with her light blond hair pulled back in a slick pony tail was typing away on her keyboard. 

As soon as I made it to the front of the dest she stoped typing and looked up at me. "Bethany?: She asked. I nodded, slightly shocked. "Welcome. Here is your scheduale and locker number along with a map of the school. Have a good day." She handed me the apers and turned to look at Kash. "Hello Kash honey. Why aren't you in class young man?" 

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