Start from the beginning

  Looking down at his stupid disciple, BiMing humphed and muttered, "About time you're awake, I've been in this pool for hours!" Slight exaggeration...but it felt like hours.

  Noticing that Lu ShiZun did not bat his hand away, XiuYin smiled and replied: "Thank you Lu ShiZun, this disciple is useless."

  "Tch, you said it yourself."

  XiuYin's hand remained on BiMing's cheek for a second longer before it trailed upwards so that his large hand was cupping BiMing's cheek. BiMing unwittingly leaned into it whilst his thoughts were in the clouds. XiuYin could not restrain his wide grin any longer. When BiMing noticed this his head jerked back up straight and he coughed twice. "Now that you're awake let's get out."


  XiuYin gathered his feet under him and attempted to stand but stumbled immediately, resulting in BiMing throwing himself under XiuYins arm to support him. "So weak!"

 "Lu ShiZun, this useless disciple's legs are recuperating..."

  BiMing didn't say anymore as he felt a slight twinge of guilt. As the stepped up onto the dry floor, BiMing set XiuYin on a bench as he went to fetch a towel. As he stood on his tiptoes to retrieve a towel however, his damp clothes gathered a small pool beneath him causing him to slip slightly. BiMing caught himself by balancing with one hand on the stone wall. 

  "Wish this world had bloody swimming trunks... maybe I should invent those, get rich and live a country life... ay..." BiMIng shook his head walking out with a towel in hand, unaware of the small cut on his fingers.

  As he walked out he sat down on the other half of the bench and chucked the towel at XiuYin. XiuYin caught it with ease and started wiping himself. BiMing's gaze snapped on the broad shoulders flexing as it moved, the wide chest expanding and contracting with each breath, the stomach lined with hard muscles... He snapped his gaze away as he realized his eyes were travelling south.

  XiuYin suddenly paused in his movement and whimpered.

  BiMing turned his head back. Whimpered? 

  "Lu ShiZun... You're  bleeding..."


  "I can smell it... really strong."

  BiMing raised his limbs and looked for the source, surprised to find such a small cut on his fingers. How the hell did XiuYin smell that? 

  Right... He hadn't received any blood from him for almost a month... BiMing looked up at XiuYin whose head was lowered, and one hand gripping his arm, so hard that no doubt his nails would leave marks.


   BiMing swallowed as conflicted feelings arose inside. Did that mean... all those small scars were the results of XiuYin restraining himself?


Before he had a chance to regret his decision, BiMing stuck his hand out towards XiuYin.

  XiuYin raised his head and saw the hand with the cut extended towards him. He looked at Lu ShiZun with questioning eyes.

  BiMing only said, "hurry up and get it over with" before turning his head away, arm still out.

  XiuYin's heart beat hard and fast as he realised what Lu ShiZun was offering. He hesitantly scooted closer on the bench before taking Lu ShiZun's hands within his own.

  At the touch of skin on skin, BiMing shivered slightly. He felt XiuYin caress his hand with such gentleness his heart almost ached. XiuYin traced the lines on BiMing's palm before he steadily lifted that hand to his lips. He kissed the hand. 

  BiMing turned to meet XiuYin eye to eye and demand what kissing his hand would do but he was caught by the intense gaze and rendered speechless. Dark eyes watched him as lips parted against BiMing's palm and a wet tongue exited. It licked the small cut at first hesitantly before repeating the action again. BiMing's whole body went tense as he felt warmth embrace his fingers and dampness that began dripping. XiuYin didn't stop there, he began giving attention to all those fingers. XiuYin couldn't help himself, not only was the blood sweet but the cool, crisp taste of his skin was addictive. XiuYin kept eye contact with BiMing throughout and felt himself harden when he saw a slight blush on BiMing's face. BiMing who wasn't pushing him away, rejecting him. 

  BiMing's mind was in turmoil. His body was heating up. This brat... he was pretty sure only one finger was bleeding yet he's licking all of them! What's that saying, giving an inch but taking a yard! But for some reason... This timeBiMing didn't feel that mortal sense of danger.. whether it be a change in feelings or circumstances... but he didn't know! And his body was beginning to hum in anticipation!!! Isn't there a perfect song for this situation?


  My minds telling me no... but my body's telling me yes...

  BiMing gulped and averted his gaze, incidentally landing at XiuYin's crotch, where a tall, proud tent had been erected. 

  "You..." BiMing began when suddenly XiuYin withdrew with one last lick.

  "Thanks for the meal Lu ShiZun."

  "...Meal my ass you bastard...try that again and I'll whop your ass." BiMing stood and turned stalking off in the direction of his room and shaking slightly from his still humming body. "Let's go... there's much to discuss." Forgetting that XiuYin can still barely walk, he disappeared into the corridor.

  XiuYin only remained seated for a little while more before standing with ease. He glanced at his erection before glancing in the direction of Lu ShiZun. "You really should take responsibility Lu ShiZun ah... but I have patience... I know you'll come around eventually." XiuYin smiled angels smile before striding off, his heart ithcing with anticipation and overflowing emotions waiting to be returned...


Author tries to be coy... (saw this online and had to apply it...)

BM- yesterday I accidentally stabbed XiuYin's leg.... and I couldn't decide on saying 'I'm so fucking sorry!' or 'are you fucking ok?'

BM- So i panicked and ended up yelling, "Are you fucking sorry!?"

BM- XiuYin's still crying in the bathroom...


A/N- phew... chapter is done, next chapter will be wordy... explanations and all ya know...

maybe around 4 or 5 chapters left to write? which means dear readers... your anticipated scene will come soon hehehe... pun intended.

And on an extra note, just outta interest, does anyone read the Throne of Glass series by SJM?

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