Eight - Who said soulmates were only lovers?

Start from the beginning

"Sure." He sipped the milk, sitting right beside her making her roll her eyes.

"Fuck." She mumbled.

"What?" He put the now empty bottle on the table.

"I still have to work today." She sighed, getting up to get ready. "I thought it was already Saturday."

"Nope, Friday." He replied watching her fade away through the hall. "Whoa, whoa, whoah." Noah called her back.

"What?" She entered the living room again.

"I could come with you. Say hi to Shawn, Finn, know everyone there. It would be fun, I guess."

"Yeah, I like that." She got her head out of the messy bun she had before, "I'm just gonna get ready to go." She got out to take her shower and left him there, laying on the couch watching TV.


"Let's go?" Millie asked, hurrying up because she was late as usual. "Where are my keys?" She ran through her purse.

"This?" Noah lifted a BMW key.

"Yup!" She got the thing from his hand. "Get your lazy ass out of the couch and let's go to the car."

"Too much cursing, too much time with Wolfhard, my lady." He joked, standing up and getting his coat, making her roll his eyes.

She gestured him they were late, pointing to her apple watch many times in silence.

"Okay, okay." He walked through the door and left the apartment. They got the elevator, arrived in the garage and got to the car.

"What a nice car you have." He looked at the vehicle.

"Thank you." She started it.

"So, how's life going in my city, Millster?" The Schnapp boy said, connecting his phone to the cable to put some music.

"Well, busy but good. I love the-"

"City that never sleeps." Both of them exclaimed together, laughing.

"Pretty crazy but I like it, you know it." She chuckled.

"Yeah, I know."

Millie was an independent girl and in that big, modern and crazy city like her it was easier. She has been quite happy in that town, to be honest, the one where a lot of things happened and

still could.


"Well, here we are!" Millie got out of the parking lot.

"Uh, quite good." Noah joked, pretending to be snob.

"I'm sorry Mr. Hollywood boy." She laughed and kept walking. "That's me." She pointed to a trailer with a green sign 'Finn and Millie'.

She gestured him to enter, opening the door to that little 'room'. It had a couch, a green-ish carpet, a table, two wardrobes and a mini table, on top of it, a television and on the side lots and lots of books.

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