Lunch Drama

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Me and Andrew walked into the library with the cokes.

"Hey Sporto, did you try anything on my sister?"

"No, we just talked."

We sat down.

Claire got her lunch out.

"What's that?" John asked.

"Guess? Where's your lunch?"

"You're wearing it."

"Oh my God," I said.

"You're nauseating."

She took out sushi.

"What's that?"

"Sushi," me and Claire said at the same time.


"Yes, rice, raw fish and seaweed."

"You never had a guy's tongue in your mouth and you're gonna eat that?"

"Can I eat?"

"I don't know, give it a try."

"Sushi's not that bad John, tried it a few times."

"Thank you!" Claire said.

"When?" He asked me.

"We used to go out to eat, one of the last things we all did as a family, we went out for Chinese, there was a sushi bar and I got some."

"Thought nobody went near there."

"Well, you're wrong," I said imitating a Southern accent.

I heard Brian chuckle.

"Can I have a couple sushi?"

"Sure, help yourself."

I took a sushi and ate it.

Andrew got his lunch out, three sandwiches, a bag of powdered donuts, a large bag of chips! We were staring at him. He turned around, John smiled.

"What's you're problem?"

"Is it possible to eat all that in one sitting?" I ask.

"Nah, saving some for later, help yourself to some chips and donuts if you want Jenny."


"At least she's fed," John said silently.

"You two John, you want some."

"Nah, let my sister have it."

I got a donut and ate it. I heard crunching coming from Allison. We looked at her, she was putting some captain crunch cereal on her sandwich. She pressed it down and started eating, she winked.

John walked to Brian, he sat by him, snatched his lunch bag and placed by him.

"What're we having?"

"Just your standard regular lunch I guess."

He got a thermos out of the bag.



Brian was going for the bag but John swatted it. He got a carton out.

"That's apple juice."

"I can read. PB and J with the crusts cut off. Well Brian, this is a very nutritious lunch, all of the food groups are represented. Did your mother marry  Mr. Rogers?"

"Oh no, Mr. Johnson."


I couldn't help but smile while chewing on a donut. John got up and walked behind his table.

"Here's my impression of life at Big Bri's house.


'Yeah Dad?'

'How's your day pal?'

'Great Dad, how's yours?'

'Super! Say son, how would you like to go fishing this weekend?'

'Great Dad, but I got homework to do.'

'That's alright son, you can do it on the boat!'


'Dear, isn't our so swell?'

'Yes dear, isn't life swell?"

He pretended to kiss Brian's parents but air punched one that might've been Brian's mom. It wasn't funny anymore. John sat down.

"Ok, what about you and Jenny's family?"

"Oh ours, it's real easy."

John got up.

"John don't," I said.

"Let me."

He got into position.

"Stupid, worthless, no good, freeloading son of a bitch, retarded, big mouth, no it all, asshole, jerk!'

'You forgot ugly, lazy, and disrespectful-'

'Shut up bitch, go fix me a turkey pot pie!'

'What about you Dad?'

'Fuck you.'

'No Dad, what about you?'

'Fuck you!'

'No Dad, what about you!?'

'Fuck you!'

He pretended Dad hit him.

"Jenny, your turn."

I was like "screw it" I got up and did it.

"Jennifer Diane Bender, get down here!'

I pretended to run, then stopped.

'Yes sir?'

'Where's your brother?'

'In detention.'

'He's in detention every fucking week! That's good. You know what that makes you?'


'My bitch! Now go get me a beer!'

I pretended he pushed me.

'Yes sir."

I walked back to Claire and Andrew's table like nothing happened. I ate another donut.

"Is this for real?" Brian asked us.

"Why, wanna come over sometime?"

"That's bullshit, it's all part of your image, I don't believe a word of it," Andrew said.

"You don't believe me?"



"Do I stutter?"

John walked to Andrew, revealing the burn on his arm.

"You believe this, huh? Looks about the size of a cigar. Do I stutter? See, this what you get at our house when you spill paint in the garage."

He rose up and started walking.

"I don't think I need to sit with you fucking dildos anymore."

He walked to a podium near the staircase. He screamed as he threw the books and stuff off it and climbed to the stairs.


He sat down on the top of the first flight and took deep breaths.

"You shouldn't have said that," Claire said.

"Well how would I know, he lies about everything anyway."

"Well, according to the whole school, he lies, I lie. Sporto, did our talk in the hall mean any fucking thing to you?" I was mad.

Andrew sighed.

I got up and walked upstairs to John. I sat by him. He looked at me, wrapped his arm around me, and we cuddled for a short time.

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