Pain In The Ass

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John started to air guitar and hum a rock song.

"I can't believe this is happening to me," Claire said.

John stopped.

"Oh shit, what are we supposed to do if we have to take a piss?"

"Oh please," Claire said.

"You gotta go you gotta go."

I heard him unzip his pants.


"Hey you're not urinating in here man!" Andrew said.

"Don't talk don't talk, it makes it crawl back up."

"John stop it," I said.

"You whip it out and you're dead before the first drop hits the floor!"

"You're pretty sexy when you get angry. Grr."

John turns to Brian.

"Hey homeboy. Why don't you close that door and we'll get the prom queen impregnated."

Claire turned quickly to glare at him.

"Hey! Hey!" Andrew said.


"I lose my temper you're totalled!"



"Why don't you just shut up, nobody here's interested," Claire said.

"Really? Buttface."

"Well hey Sporto, what'd you do to get in here, forget to wash your jock?"

"John," I said.

He quickly turned to me.

"What Jenny?"

"Don't harass them please."

"Yeah, what Jenny said," Claire said.

"Could we just write our papers?" Brian asked.

"Look, just because you live in here doesn't give you the right to be a pain in the ass so knock it off!" Andrew said.

"It's a free country," John said.

"The guy's just getting a rise out of you, just ignore him," Claire said.


Claire turned to John.

"You couldn't ignore me if you tried."

"He's actually right, ignoring him won't work," I said.

"You shut up, nobody likes you!" Andrew said to me.

"You say that to her again I'll kick the living shit out of, are you guys like boyfriend-girlfriend? Steady dates...lovers? Come on Sporto, level with me. Did you slip her the hot beef injection?"

He whispered the hot beef part, I could still hear it.

"Go to hell!"


John laughed.

"Hey, what's going on in there!?" Vernon shouted.

"Scumbag," Andrew whispered.

"I heard that Sporto," I said.

John got up and walked to the railing.

"Why don't we close that door, can't have a party without Vernon checking on us every few seconds."

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