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min's pov
"of course i will, min appa-nim! i will love her all my life, my first love and girlfriend." i smiled at junkyu's comment. how sweet of him.

we had dinner at my place before we had back to our respective dorms. lucky for us, the trainees which will then debut as 4th generation idols all live in the same building. junkyu sent me back to the doorstep of my dorm.

"text me when u reach your room."

"umm bro i'm literally like there already aren't u a little too paranoid?"

"i mean, you could trip over some things on the floor. i promised your dad i'll take good care of you."

i smiled at him. my dumb kyupid.

"yes yes arrase i will text u when i reach my room."

(5 minutes later)

i reached my room alr
may i emphasise that
i didn't trip in any random shit so don't worry
so what we hot we young ;)

junkyu ma boo ♥️:
yes sweetie thanks
and btw
sing no one
but my songs
listen to going crazy 😜
good night :)
read 8.05pm


the next day, we had to go back to the buildings for more training. i was about to debut under the name 'jewel' and junkyu's group, 'treasure'.

"annyeong unnie, what are we doing today?" i asked sua unnie.

"mmm today i heard the trainers say they will teach us our choreo then help us with vocals before we record next week." she replied.

"i can't believe we're debuting !! how do u feel min? you're the first trainee to debut under 1 year of training." somi asked.

"haha omg unnie it's not just under a year. if u count other singing and dance enrichment, it will be a total of 3+ years." i said.

"all right girl, attention. i will teach you the choreography for your debut song, 'DIAMONDS' today. after that you are expected to practice in your own time. i will check back on your dances tomorrow during training. now will be a very tight schedule, packed with training training and more training. don't expect to have more that 30 mins of break each time. after reaching the dorm at night, you all will have to sleep by 9pm as we will report back to the building by 5am the next day." the trainer said.

"wah, it's very tiring and packed schedule." somi muttered as i agreed.

"following the order, stand on a line. chaeyeon, sua, min, somi and jiyoung. for this debut, YG sajangnim decides that the maknae should be the center."

"yay congrats maknae-yah !! we're so proud of you !!" unnies congratulated me.

after at least 6 hours, we finally learnt the entire choreo and formation. i must admit for a debut song, this dance is very difficult. i'm actually worried that we won't be able to show off our good stable vocals, which we are partly famous for, while dancing.

*just imagine that as the 'hard' choreo haha*

after training, we just all lay on the floor, unable to move. it's been so rigorous that my core have been aching nonstop. in the end after debut, i know it will all be worth it.

comes to you // kim junkyuWhere stories live. Discover now