Chapter 4

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Emily's Pov

    "Emily get up before I break down your door and pour ice on you" mum yelled and I knew she wasn't joking,she can do it. I got up took my shower and put on a black bra,a gray tank top and a Jean which looks good with my comeback boots and leather jacket with my sunglasses,then I added a little eyeliner,mascara, lip gloss and I put my hair down. I pressed the intercom button and Cecilia knocked on my door "ma it's me" "Cecilia have told you all to stop calling me ma,my name is Emily" " madam will punish us if we call you by your name" "okay have heard,can you please take my luggage's downstairs and pack my remaining stuffs" I have to get get downstairs on time before mum comes to my room and drag me by my ear "okay ma'am".

     I smiled and left the room."morning fighter"dad greeted me "good morning dad,mum" I pecked them both on the cheeks "morning sweetie,josh said the food is ready"mum said to us and we left to go the dining room to eat,after eating we entered into my dad's BMW M4 competition pack and the driver drove us to where our private jet was awaiting us.
     Immediately we sat down into the plane, I had to plug in my headphone and put on my iPod to listen to songs. "Dear get up we've landed already" came my dad voice,i didn't know when I slept off the only thing I remembered was that I was listening to  some songs. "Em will u get up now" mum said and I don't want her to start preaching, so I quickly got up from my seat to meet them in the car.

     "I want to maintain a nerd status at school" I informed them "WHAT" mum exclaimed "why darling?" Dad asked me "but you guys asked me to keep it low when we get to New York" "stop it Em am sure you are up to something again,now that your friends are also joining you here in NY"mum yelled at me "Silvia darling take it easy" dad told mum "David stop this you are always letting her have her way with everything" mum said

     "mum I swear am not planning anything" I pouted "don't give me that face lady" mum said to me smiling "thanks mum"I knew with that smiling face she has agreed already "but I didn't agree,what do you want people to say when they see a Luciano acting as a nerd"she said making a sad face "I will have to change my name mom" "change what?"this time it was dad who spoke up "yes dad I will have to use a fake name and change my appearance" I said pouting "now this is getting more serious"said mum "okay your uncle will take care of that" dad said smiling at me "thanks"I said hugging them both.
     "You are to resume waterside high school tomorrow" my dad reminded me "so what name are you going to use at the high school?"mum asked me "am planning of using Emily Leah Wood" I said smiling.

      The driver has to end our discussion "we are here boss" "yeah at last" I came out of the car stretching my body "welcome ma,welcome sir" was the response we were getting from the househelps "New York here I am" I shouted "stop it Emily, can't you behave for once" mum said giving me that her strict motherly face "sorry mum" I bowed down to her apologizing and went into the mansion "you are unbelievable" mum said "that's why am your daughter" I replied "yeah she got you there Silvia" dad said and we all laughed and entered into the house.

     "This place is no longer for business trip again,its now our permanent apartment" mum said to us "darling,my P.A just called me now and he said the press are willing to speak to us this evening" dad informed us "you know your room,so get inside and put on one of the dresses I bought for you" mum told me "not again, I can't put on that thing and if you insist then I will have to stay at home" I corrected her firmly "it's not yet up to that dear,am sure you can put on anything and your mum won't mind at all,right Silvia?" dad asked "okay do anything you like" mum hissed and left the living room.

    "don't listen to her,okay?" Dad said to me kissing my forehead,i nodded my head in reply and he left the room also. I went up to my room took a shower and put on a high waist ripped jean, a gray fitted t-shirt,my leather jacket and an adidas sneakers. I decided to put my hair down,i drew my eyebrow,i added eyeliner, little bit of mascara and a pink lipstick. After this I went downstairs to meet my parent, "and here comes my princess"said dad "she is no princess with what she is putting on, all princesses put on dresses and not some ripped jean" mum said "but don't I look good mum?" I asked her in a sad tone because I knew she will apologize to me when she sees am sad "am sorry baby, you look pretty" she said kissing me on the forehead.

     "Let's go ladies" dad told us and we went outside, my parent took their Porsche 911 carrera GTS car while I took my MV Agusta F3 675 motorcycle, I put on helmet and I drove away to our nearest hotel for the interview with the press.

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