A Minor Injury.

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"And where do you plan to have this party yoi?" 

With a small hop, you slam your palm against the volleyball, successfully sending it back over the net.

You had been a little hesitant to come to the beach with Newgate's sons and their friends at first but you're sure glad you did in the end, courtesy of Luffy's incessant nagging.

It's been a good day; you've helped Luffy build sandcastles, saved Ace from drowning, got taught how to skip pebbles by Sabo and now you're playing volleyball. 

Zoro and Ace are on your team and you're playing against Marco, Drake and Luffy.

For some reason Newgate's boys all have an obsession with the beach, they come here just about every weekend, even when the weather is glum. 

Surprising since most of them can't swim. 

"At pops' old factory up North!" Ace finally responds to his older brother, his breath a little ragged as he watches the ball come toward him, managing to hit it back to the other side swiftly. "The one that's closed, he won't know anything about it!"

You're planning to have a party in a factory? Sounds a little stupid, Ace, even for you.

"Hell no yoi!" Marco about to hit the ball but Luffy dives in his way and steals the opportunity, knocking it back over the net and into Zoro's direction, of course the greenette is quick to return it. "It's closed for a reason, it's undergoing repairs! Stay away from it!"

"Nobody is gonna try to play on the machines, chill out!"

Ace's comment earning an argument from Marco that you miss due to Drake pelting the ball, sending it straight into your face and knocking you on your ass, the ears ringing with the impact and your face already starting to sting like crazy. 


A bit of laughter from your apparent friends echoing in your ears as the game pauses, Drake coming around the net with a slightly worried expression, but you can also see that he's just barely managing to suppress his smirk.

I swear, I'll cut your gonads off, boy! Don't test me!

"Are you okay yoi?"

"She's fine, I got this." Drake reassures the blonde brother as he kneels down in front you, his warm hands wrapping around yours before he carefully tries to lower them. "Let me take a look."

"I don't need your help!" You bark at the brunette as your eyes water, you silently curse the leakage, hoping that he doesn't think you're crying for anything. You don't want to look like a weak and frail thing in the eyes of this jerk, a further grumble leaving your lips as warm liquid trickles into your fingers. "What do I look like to you?! A toddler?!"

"A lady with a nosebleed actually." The brunette's softer touch growing a little more forceful as he pushes your hands down from your face, his blue eyes scanning your features observantly before he lets out a sigh of relief. "Your nose isn't broken but it's still bloody, let me help clean it up."

"This is your fault to begin with! If you didn't hit the ball so hard, this wouldn't have happened!" Your more argumentative nature taking over, unknowingly causing both Ace and Marco to stifle their chuckles, they've always found your short temper amusing. 

"Yes, it was my fault now let me fix my mistake." Drake not leaving you any more chance to argue, swiftly taking off his jacket and pressing the material to your face as his orbs flicker up to the brothers gathered behind you. "Does anyone have a tissue?"

Was using your jacket for such a thing really necessary? Seriously, any excuse to get shirtless! This guy is such a showoff! 

Ace merely shaking his head, a small smile still tugging at his lips as he feigns a guilty look. "My tissues are still in my bedroom, sorry."


Damn it, Ace.

Before you know it, you've got Thatch crouched opposite you also, the oldest of the Newgate boys reaching into his pocket and pulling out a handkerchief then handing it to Drake, allowing the younger male to replace his jacket with the more suitable material. 

"I'll play in your place." The oldest brother chimes with a cheerful grin etched into his features before rising to his feet and joining his siblings and Zoro on the court. "Don't worry [F/n], I'll win on your behalf."

"Oh, you wanna bet yoi~?"

This is quickly turning into a sibling rivalry game.

Picking yourself up, you evacuate the court, sitting as far away as possible and beside Sabo, sort of subtly using the blonde as a human shield. 

Quite frankly, the idea of getting hit with the ball again does not appeal to you in the slightest. 

But you still watch the game, feeling proud by the end result when Thatch, Zoro and Ace were the declared winners.

"Shishishi~! A rematch~! I'll wipe the floor with you this time~!!"

"Forget it yoi, I'm beat." 

"Whaaa?! You're getting too old shishishi~!"

Ignoring the bickering brothers, your eyes drift back to Drake, a slight glare in your orbs as you focus your attention on his jacket that's now decorated with a bit of your blood. 

I hope it stains, you jerk!

I Really Think I Hate You. {X-Drake x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now