Chapter 2

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The next day James is in his cadet class as Ray is getting in trouble by Colonel Huerta

James: Phew, hate to be him right now. Jared: Look at him go.

Ray starts doing jumping jacks

Watson: Let that be a warning to never do stupid stuff again. Jared: Oh look, he's doing mountain climbers now.

Later during lunch Ray is at the cadet table

James: Had fun there? Ray: Screw you! My legs freaking hurt! James: Well don't be throwing stuff around next time.

Leia arrives and sits next to James

Leia: Hey, can I come over later? James: Uh, sure I'm pretty sure my mom wouldn't mind. What time are you thinking? Leia: I don't know, six? James: Okay. Leia: Ok, see you then.

Leia leaves

Jared: Oooh, was that your girlfriend? James: No, just a friend. Jared: Mhm sure, (Mocking tone) Oh James, James can I come over, can I James? James: Ok, that's enough out of you.

Later in the day after school Leia arrives

James: Hi! Leia: Hey! Riley: Hey Leia. Leia: I brought cookies for everyone. Riley: Oh wow thanks!

They get to the kitchen while Leia sets the cookies down

Riley: So how've you been Leia? It's been a while. Leia: I've been good. Kinda just focusing on school right now. Riley: Me too.

James grabs a cookie and bites into it and starts doing a little dance which causes Leia to laugh

Leia: What the? Riley: He does that. The fat bitch.

Leia snickers a bit

Leia: Do you want one? Riley: Oh, yeah.

Riley grabs one too and bites into it

Riley: Look at him. Still going at it.

James has taken two bites but then stops dancing followed by him closing his eyes and taking a deep breath right after

James: Oh no...

Leia starts laughing which causes Riley to stop eating her cookie as a frightened look appears on her face

Riley: What? James: Damnit!

Leia continues laughing as James spits out the cookie

Riley: Eww.

It starts happening to Riley as she gags and spits out the cookie

James: Eugh, why's it so hot? Did you put something in it?

James gags as well as Riley coughs

Leia: I'm sorry Riley, you got caught in the crossfire. Riley: Eugh, I don't want that cookie anymore.

James gets milk out of the fridge and pours himself a glass

James: Oh God, what'd you put in there? Leia: Wasabi. James: Wasabi?

James gags again while Leia continues to laugh

Leia: Wow, you bit into that pretty good.

Day in the Life Season 2Where stories live. Discover now