Chapter Three: The Baby

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"Drake! Baby come here. Momma has you. I promise I will never leave again."

She cradled the baby in her arms.

He was crying and he said "Cold" over and over to his mother's bare shoulder.

"Fuck!" said a voice from behind Rachel.

She jerked toward the voice

"What in the hell?"

Rachel flinched at the boys harsh tone.

"You know what, never mind. What is your name?" The driver asked.

As he got closer, she looked into his deep green eyes.

"Rachel, what's yours?"

Her traitorous eyes were filling with tears and her shoulders started to shake.

She blinked the tears away before they fell and shook her head.

"Conner" Rachel's breath caught in her throat.

"Conner Groen?" The driver shook his head.

"Oh no. No, no, no." Rachel shook her head.

His eyes widened.

His jaw went slack.

"Rachel Wright?" He asked even though he already knew the answer.

She felt completely naked and exposed, although she was covered by the tall, dead grass and her baby boy.

He ran toward her and gathered the two shivering bodies in his arms.

Suddenly cold, Rachel's teeth chattered "W-w-what are y-you d-d-doing?"

Even though she wanted him to let go, she snuggled closer.

"How are you here? You have been gone so long, Rach."

She shivered at the use of her old nickname.

Conner's hold tightened.

"I haven't been called that in forever. I thought you would never find me. After we left the dance you said you would take care of me and you would protect me. I-"

she took a breath, trying to stifle the tears falling onto his shirt.

"I believed you. I loved you Conner."

she looked up

"I have been out here for almost 3 years. This baby has been so close to dying, freezing, starvation and he isn't even two yet. My brother got sick and he stayed sick until two weeks ago. Jacob is only 11. Where have you been? You promised me you would keep me safe."

Conner froze.

His hand stopped rubbing Rachel's back and he sat her up so they were eye to eye.

Drake squirmed in her lap.

Conner placed a firm hands on her shoulders.

"You look at me Rachel. I love you. I have been looking for you ever since you left me that night and your parents called me and said 'Where is Rachel?' Good god, I thought you when home and I felt like it was my fault that guy took you. And-" His voice cracked and he hesitated.

Rachel cut in before he could continue.

"I know. I know everything but I left you hints. I wrote arrows on the road that you drive on every day but then you didn't follow them."

Drake started crying.

Rachel sighed and wiped the dampness form her cheeks.

"He's hungry. I need to go get his formula."

Once Rachel left the comfort of Conner's arms, she shivered.

Rachel sat Drake in Conners arms slowly. She was thinking.

Why? Why now? Right when I was going to escape.

He wouldn't have known.

He wouldn't have known how I have lived for the past three years.

She stopped and called back to Conner.

"Hey, Conner? Can you do me a favor and not call anyone. Especially the Cops?"

Conner looked at her and shook his head.

Rachel let out a long breath she forgot she was holding.

She walked over to the "table" they had and gathered what she needed to make a bottle.

"Rachel! Come here" Jacob yelled.

She huffed.

"Dammit Jacob! Shut the fuck up. I'm getting the last bit of formula. Hold on. Don't yell at me, I don't want to spill it."

She poured the last bit of formula into the filthy bottle.

Rachel sighed.

She didn't want Conner to see how dirty they lived.

"Rachel! You wanna fucking see this. NOW" Jacob yelled at her.

She could tell something was wrong by how shaky his voice was.

This time when he yelled, she jumped and spilled some of the milk.

Rachel held her tongue from yelling back at Jacob.

She tightened the lid of the bottle and walked to the back of the old cabin, to her "room".

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