Chapter one: the run

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Rachel ran through the woods.

The ground was cold on her bare feet and the wind chilled her body.

The air was filled with moisture and the leaves were wet with morning dew.

As she ran, thoughts filled her head.

Thoughts of Jacob, Tyler, Him, and herself.

Glancing down at the ground beneath her, she saw her bare feet.

Fucking hell.

She never got the chance to get dressed this morning.

She's running from someone.

But not just any someone, She is running from Tyler.

He never came so early.

Her hair was knotted from the wind and her cheeks had streaks from the salty tears she had cried earlier this morning.

Her breathing was uneven and her heart pounded in her chest.

She licked her dry lips and cleared her mind.

She realizes that not only is she tired, but she's worried about her little brother and him.

The question was on her mind: Did the son of a bitch touch Him? Did he touch my brother?

She stopped long enough to catch her breath and then she hid as well as she could.

Glancing around her, she sucked in a ragged breath.

Hiding behind a large tree trunk, Rachel took deep breathes, calming herself down.

Resting her head against the tree trunk, she realized that she needed to find her family.

Rachel stilled, listening to the world around her.

The sun hadn't been up long and the birds were singing their morning songs.

She looked around in front of her one last time.

"Jacob! Jacob, Are you there baby? Do you have him?" she screamed through the dense forest.

No answer.

Rachel's breath caught in her throat.

No, no, no. Please, God.

She prayed to a God she no longer believed in.

She was about to yell out again when heard leaves crunch behind her.

Too close for comfort, asshole, she thought.

She jumped up and started running again.

As she glanced over her shoulder, she almost fell.

Her knee popped, and Rachel cried out in pain.

Instead of stopping, she continued on.

Her leg muscles begged her to stop, but she pushed them harder.

Her knee throbbed and her feet were sore from the rocks and branches.

She didn't stop, she couldn't afford  to stop.

She ran all the way out of the woods and into the street.

Her mind spun as she looked around.

Holy fuck. I cant believe I made it. I never ran so far, not without getting caught before the road.

Anytime she was outside the place , it was with Jacob and Tyler.

When her bare feet hit the warm asphalt, she heard tires screaming on her left.

A red diesel fuel truck was stopped less than a foot from her face.

She screamed.

Letting years' worth of frustration, rage, sadness, and pain out.

Screamed like she's never screamed before.

She stopped screaming when she heard footsteps behind her.

Hidden In Plain SightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora