Act Three: Scene Three

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Inside an empty classroom we see Bolson not able to focus on grading papers . He here's a knock on the door.

Bolson: I know your here. I'm sure you have some questions you want to ask. So come on in Sidon.

Sidon walk inside the room

Sidon: Hello gorgeous any news I need to know? What did Principle Zelda say? Do I need to go see her in tonight?

Bolson: Oh where do I begin? My dear sweet Sidon almost everyone hates you. I don't even know what to say.

Sidon: It's okay just tell me. It can't be that bad right?

Bolson: She wants to see you in her office bright and early tomorrow. Then she will send you away to Noya Neha.

Sidon: He hides his face staring to cry as Bolson tries to make him feel better. This is what I get when Donlo fucking decides to kill my brother?! What the hell else was I suppose to do?! Have him run away with his group of friends and not pay for what they let this happen to Buzz?! Fuck me man!

Bolson: He pats Sidon on the back. I'm so sorry but, that's what almost every person has told me today. There's nothing I can do to change Principle Zelda's mind now and to make it worse your Wife's mother wanted you to be killed.

Sidon: He repositioned himself. Oh hell no! Fuck that fake ass, bastard ass, motherfucking ass, bitch! She only said that because she hates my whole entire family! Not only that she stay trying to beat up my Mama! I swear she pisses me off all the goddamn time! This is a sign she wants that ass kicked! And one of these days I will beat the fuck out of her if she doesn't stop fucking with me!

Bolson: He slowly backs away from Sidon. Damn Sidon clam down. Shit it doesn't look cute on you when your pissed off like this. Your too young to get mad within seconds anyway. I mean yes I would've said and acted the same way. At the same time you must think long and hard of what your saying because she's now your mother in law.

Sidon: He dries his eyes with his shirt. I don't give a shit anymore! All these goddamn hateful ass people got me fifty shades of fucked up! All they ever do it treat me like trash! And to top it all off no one doesn't get it or understand what it's fucking like to be in my shoes either! I tried and tried to keep the peace like my sister would've wanted but, it's so damn hard! It doesn't get easy it just beats harder on people like me every goddamn day! I can't live if living is without my dearly Link! I can't see myself leaving Link all by herself I prefer dying than leaving my beautiful wife behind! I don't even know if she wants to see me again after we're done with this conversation! She's not going to be very happy once I tell her but, she deserves to know the truth about everything that happened! She might get upset with me and not want to see me anymore! Oh Bolson what can I do?! I don't know what think!

Bolson: Hey look at me. Nobody is perfect in this world and in this life time that we're living in. Even if we were perfect we wouldn't learn a thing of how to survive and other things that we do on a daily basis. So please stop crying.

Sidon: He starts taking deep breaths. I'm scared.

Bolson: I know you are and I'm scared for you too. But right now I need you to pull yourself together and think what you need to say to your Wife. It's possible that she wants to see you.

Sidon: Ugh I'm such a mess! I can't face her! I don't think she even wants me as her husband anymore! She's going to hate me!

Bolson: He talks to you the audience. And there he goes again going completely insane not listening to a word I just said.

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