Act Two: Scene Four

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Rivan and Bazz were looking all over for Sidon up and down Saas Kósah Street calling for him.

Bazz: Sidon! Please Rivan. Please tell me that he made it home last night.

Rivan: Sidon where are you?! He's not home. I've already speak with his parents and they told me that he never came home.

Bazz: He next time I see Rosemary I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind! She did this to our Sidon and now he's gone completely insane!

Rivan: Not so loud Bazz Donlo with his big group of quote on quote "Friends" might hear us. Why earlier today he sent a letter right when I left the house.

Bazz: You don't suppose that Donlo..

Rivan: Dont worry about it Sidon will give Donlo his answer soon.

Bazz: Yeah but still doesn't he think that it's too soon to ask Sidon to fight?

Rivan: Like I said Sidon will answer the letter on his own. It's not our job to go find out if Donlo really did dare Sidon to fight him.

Bazz: Face it Rivan he's been through enough as it is. We saw him go to his lover's house with our own eyes seeing that big smile of his. He's finally happy and we can't take that away from him and you know it. I'd do anything for Sidon and his lover to stay this happy Rivan. And you know I keep my promises and take them very seriously.

Rivan: I just don't want Donlo to ruin this moment. You know what I mean?

Bazz: Yes I don't want him to come between them either. We both know that he stay starting drama between all groups of people. My gut tells me that he does it on purpose and you can tell that he's jealous. Remember how you tried to split up two people and I told him to help me out and then picked a fight with me? I feel like he only did that for attention or maybe that he wants to be part of all fights. But guess we'll never know, Donlo is the most complicated person anyone has ever met.

Rivan: Yeah that's true.

Bazz: I just hope that he didn't catch Sidon over there, He would have Sidon dead without us knowing. We've got to find Sidon! It's the only way to know for sure that Donlo hasn't seen him.

Sidon comes in dancing around the corner Rivan with Bazz runs towards Sidon giving him a big group hug.

Rivan: Oh thank god your safe! We thought you where dead!

Bazz: Don't ever do that again! You had us worried sick about you!

Sidon: Rivan, Bazz, I have the most amazing news. Would you both like to hear it?

Bazz: Yeah how did last night go between you two? Was it.. out of this world?

Sidon blushes

Sidon: Now Bazz! You now all that information is private! I didn't rush to do that at all!

Bazz whispers in Sidon's ear as Rivan stood there in "awe" confused of what is happening.

Bazz: Good call. I don't think Rivan can handle it if you told your whole business out.

Sidon whispers back on Bazz's ear

Sidon: Like I said nothing happened. We didn't do anything of the sort. I'm taking one step at a time for my love being comfortable around me.

Bazz: Oh yeah that's right

Sidon: I know you mean well but, you can't just go around asking if we did the deed.

Bazz: Oh yeah Donlo.

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