Act Three: Scene One

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We see Rivan, Buzz with a few other people sitting in the Rota Ooh Cafe trying to cool themselves down under the summer heat

Rivan: Come Buzz it's time for us to go. It's not good for us to be sitting around here. And if the certain someone does show up we must get out of here fast. It's to dangerous for us to stay here any longer than we already have.

Buzz: Oh we'll be fine you don't have to worry so much about all of us. I've been thinking of why he choose Sidon to fight him. I believe that Donlo makes it so obvious that he just wants attention nothing more and nothing less.

Rivan: Well that's true.

Buzz: You and I both know that we would never ever ever and I mean never do any of the things he's done all these years. I just don't see how all of his family members are okay with him acting like a child. I mean think about it. If you were his parents you would've taught him how to act better and or behave right? So why aren't they doing that? Why don't they ever see how their son acts around people? I'm telling you guys there's something that Donlo is hiding about his parents and someone needs to find out what it is.

Rivan: But how? No one knows where he lives the only thing that we know is that he has been watching Link day in and day out. He's her watchdog never letting her out of his sight I'm starting to think that he maybe he's living with her.

?: That's true

?: I don't think he'll ever give her a break to be honest.

Rivan: Everyone agrees that they barely see his parents coming out once in a while just to go have some fun or go somewhere.

Buzz: I would do the same thing if my child went around theorizing everyone known to man.

?: Here he comes!

Buzz: Okay everyone act natural!

Donlo with his crew comes in laughing their heads off as they walk in seeing Rivan, Buzz, with everyone else

Donlo: Hey losers! What you lowlifes doing today?

?: Nonya business!

Buzz: Points to the person who said it. Yeah. What he/she said.

Donlo: Very funny twerps. So where's your beloved Sidon? I haven't heard for him since I sent him my note. Is he hiding or is he finally realizing that he can't beat me?

Buzz: Why do you care? We've been telling you for weeks that your gonna have to hear it from Sidon himself not from us.

Donlo: I've grown tired of hearing the same thing and waiting for his answer! He either wants to fight or not fight and be labeled as a coward. Buzz would you please talk sense —

Buzz: Talk sense?! The only people that needs to have some sense in their head is you and your damn crew!

Donlo: You want to fight me too? Because I can make that happen as well and please do make it interesting.

Buzz: Man you either want to follow what your buddies are doing or you want to do you own thing and not copy what these punks do!

Rivan: Enough Buzz and same goes for you too Donlo! We're in a public place with a lot of people probably eavesdropping this whole conversation! We really don't have the time to go and see Zelda after this argument! So drop it! Donlo you better get out of here and stop tormenting us to fight you!

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