Act Three: Scene Two

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In the backyard of King Rhoam's Backyard we see Link singing and dancing in joy.

Link: My love, my heart, I am in love with my dear Sidon! My love, my heart, he's everything that I want and he belongs to me!  That's right he belongs to me and you can't have him! She sits on the giant marble water fountain catching her breath. She swoons. All I can do is think about him wishing that he'll come holding me in his arms again, or even take me somewhere just for him and I to be alone just the two of us without the world we live in to judge us. I wonder if he's thinking of me too? I bet that he's going to surprise me like last time when we told each other how we felt when we first met. I miss him already I mean I know we've only been married for a few days but, I can't stand that we have to keep this a secret. At the same time our family especially Principal Zelda would never approve of our love for each other. Why did this have to happen this way? Both of our families has been fighting for centuries but, what's the reason for them to continue this blood bath? Just to see more people die almost every day and no one knowing how it started or when it'll ever end. It's bad enough that we dragged Mister Bolson and Kylie into this. They're doing so much just to have us say together even though we almost got into trouble multiple times already. I'm still surprised that no one has gotten suspicious of our relationship. Not to mention that my secret admirer finally stopped sending flowers to me. Oh wait is it possible that my secret admirer found about my love for Sidon?! Oh please God please keep my Sidon safe! I can't even tell you how much pain I will be in if I find out that someone hurt my beloved husband! Please bring him back to me! Just give me a sign that he's coming to me soon! Oh Sidon my love hurry back to me! I'm waiting for you my love! And I'll never stop waiting for you my dear hubby! Just come and be with me in this lonely night! I need you! I need to fell your warm embrace! Impa comes into the garden carrying electrical powered cords very upset as Link look over to Impa smiling at her. Oh Impa I'm glad your here! Tell me what have you heard about my Sidon?

Impa: Give me a moment I need to set this down. She throws the cords down. My lower back is killing me.

Link: Oh my! What's wrong Impa? Do you want me to get you some ice from the freezer?

Impa: My dear Link I have terrible news that I hate to tell you. He's dead Link! No one can protect us now my lady no one! Why?! He's dead, he was kill, he's gone!

Link: What are you talking about?

Impa: It's your husband Link, he did something awful. I'm so scared to tell you my lady! I don't know what you would think or feel once I tell you.

Link: Please Impa what is it? You have to tell me what's wrong. You know as well as I do that I can't read minds. I need to know what happened to my poor Sidon. Not only that he's my husband he's also my friend that you love and adore so much. I really want to know no matter how bad the news is. Where is he? Did someone hurt him? Give it to me straight Impa is Sidon okay?

Impa: I saw two lifeless bodies earlier today and one of them lays Donlo next to Principal Zelda's Nephew. The story is that Donlo picked a fight with your man hurting him then killed Buzz. Sidon loved him as a brother and killed Donlo for killing his brother. I never wanted to see such a traumatizing sight. I wish it wasn't true but, it's all real. I'm so sorry my lady your Sidon is in so much trouble.

Link: She fell on her knees starting to cry. Why Donlo?! Why Sidon?! I I don't know what to say! Oh Impa please hold me!

Impa: She holds Link close in her arms. Let it all out my lady. As you said I  love them both very much. But no one never say any of this coming.

Link: Still crying in Impa's arms. Poor Buzz, poor Donlo, poor Sidon! Why did this happen Impa?! My dear love and my dear cousin hurt themselves and each other in such a cruel way! I'm scared! Are you sure?!

Impa: I'm telling that truth my lady. Sidon is gonna be suspended from school and from here as well. He killed your cousin. Nothing can change that now.

Link: She hugs Impa harder with her arms oh her back. Oh Impa! I feel like I'm dreaming!

Impa: It is not a dream Link. I saw Donlo's dead body with my own eyes.

Link: Why can't our family with his family stop fighting Impa?! Every time we have something good that'll be good for both sides of the family someone always has to ruin and then we go back to this life that we've always lived in! But no! They just don't know how to bury the hatchet and let go of this awful feud that's been happening for centuries now! My Sidon my Donlo I'm not sure how to deal with this or what to say to my hubby once he gets here! I cant' just start hating him out of no where! He needs me now more than ever! I love him Impa! No one is going to change my mind of how I feel about him and how he feels about me! Oh Impa! I'm so heartbroken! I'm in so much pain that it hurts! I just don't know what I'm going to do!

Impa: You're only saying things because you feel that both Sidon and Donlo betrayed you. I would've said things like that if I were in your shoes. I can't imagine how much pain you must be in. Again my lady I didn't want to tell you this sad news. I hate to see you like this but, you deserved to know the truth. It's better that you just tell Sidon that he broke your trust then move on to another man.

Link: She pushes Impa away. Now Impa how could you say that about Sidon?! You say how kind and loving he is towards you and I! He adores us he loves us why would you talk so badly about him in front of me when you said it yourself that Donlo started this whole mess! I have so many questions that needs to be answered! So many things that I want to say to my hubby! I just don't know where to start!

Impa: Why defend Sidon when your cousin is dead and we now have to plan for he's funeral?

Link: She gets mad as tears run down her face. What do you expect me to do?! Speak so horrible about my husband when he only did what he had to do to defend he's only brother that he had! We both know how Donlo can be when it comes to fighting he goes completely insane! It wouldn't make me feel any better if Sidon was there laying dead  with Donlo bringing he's head home as a trophy! No Impa I'm not turning my back on my husband! Sidon and I were meant for each other! I won't except that everyone is going to treat him so poorly because of his choices! He's a part of my family now and I'm a part of his too! We love each other Impa and I won't let anyone take that away from me! You're just going to have to accept it! Sidon and I are going to stay together no matter what! Even if it does kill me! It will be worth to be with the one I love!

Impa: My lady Link I know you loved Donlo very much. But do you have any idea how much your going to sacrifice once you choose to stay by you man's side? I will bring you something to drink.

Link: She dries her eyes as she catches he breath. I I can't believe this Impa. I wish that Sidon didn't have to go though so soon and things was going so well between the two of us. Then again things can get in the way of happiness just t o test how strong you and your partner in the relationship is. Please Impa do this for me. Tell him to come over here to see me. I must see him. I'm so worried about him Impa and send him to my room in private for me. I need him right now just so that we can get through this together.

Impa: I will find your beloved Sidon to straiten things out with him.  I'll make sure to tell him that he need to comfort you once he gets into your room. He will be here tonight. I'll go get him soon he's hiding with Bolson in his classroom as we speak.

Link: Please get him Impa. I need to see him and see if I can help him get patched up. For later tonight we will finally do more than just talk.

Impa starts calling and texting everyone on her phone to get the address of the College address.

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