Forever Hated

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Monica P.O.V

Not gonna lie, I was surprised. I was devastated of shock. I knew he didn't like me but I didn't expect for him to go this far. I understand that girl is pretty, really pretty. But that doesn't give him the right to go around hugging other people. I hated him for this, I really did, but deep inside of me, I still love him. No matter what he does I guess I'm never gonna stop loving him. He was my first and only love. Now my one goal in my life is to love him and make him love me.

The next day at, I decided to change my style. I wanted for him to love me. I pulled on a black crop top and some ripped jeans (usually I wear sweater and leggings). I walked into school. Suddenly, I was really confident, everyone was smiling at me and complimenting about my new look. I felt loved for once in my life.

Chandler P.O.V

It was then the next day. I woke up, brushed my teeth and picked out the clothes that were clean and headed towards school. As I was walking, I caught a glimpse of Monica. She looked terrible. Her outfit didn't match at all and at the back of her crop top was a Hello Kitty sign. I tried avoiding her all day so that no one would realize I new her. Everyone was laughing about her outfit and "complimenting" her. I felt so ashamed. I then realized how happy she was, I didn't like it one bit. But then I looked at it again, I needed to do something about this.

I met this girl named Diana in my English class. She also hated Monica just as me since her crush- Cameron fell in love with Monica. I really wonder what he sees in that girl. Anyways, we decided that we would make Monica best friends with Diana so that I, can then "date" Diana which would definitely make Monica jealous and she might actually call off the marriage with me! This plan better work. I am now on my way to crash Monica and Diana's little hangout session. Wish me luck!

Monica P.O.V

At lunch, I finally made another friend. Her name is Veronica, Veronica Jones. She is a really nice girl and apparently she just moved here all the way from Florida! Veronica is not really similar to me though. She is more of an outgoing, popular kind of girl which is the exact opposite of me. Today, Diana invited me to go to Tim Horton's with her and I decided to as Veronica to come with us because I though it would be better if my two best friends met each other, right?

As I walked into Tim Horton's, I realized that Veronica and Diana were already there! I didn't mind it so I politely asked them if I could join. Obviously, they said yes as I was the one who gave them the idea to meet up here. We were talking for about 30 mins. I went up to the waiter and asked for a Chocolate-Chip Latte. I looked around and there he was, Chandler.

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