"As are we all."

     "I see clearly enough."

     Hwindall sighed heavily once again, a sound that ripped through Athelia like a dull blade. She didn't like the way this conversation was swaying and the tension quickly grew as Lady Siff entered the tavern, followed closely behind by the Warriors Three.

     Both of the men noticed her tense as she watched Siff remove the hood the hood of her cloak as she smiled awkwardly at the small table they were sitting at. Athelia tried to return gesture even though she knew it was not meant for her and stood as they filled the empty seats, setting their weapons onto the table.

     She stayed quiet as Thor and Heimdall greeted them, trying her best not to squirm under their stares, Fandral's more than most.

     "Your hair suits you, your highness."

     She instinctively pulled at her stained locks as she took her seat. She wished she could have waited in their room until Thor had the plan in action, but instead she endured the worried glances as Thor shared his intentions with his companions. Their eyes glancing back and forth as if they were concerned that Athelia had him under some kind of spell.

     Heimdall was not surprisingly the first to speak. "The risks are to great."

       "Everything we do from here on is a risk. There is no other way. "

      Heimdall dropped his head, knowing his words are true. They all knew. They shared concerned looks with one another and Athelia sunk further and further into herself, knowing they were hesitant because of her. Thor placed his hand over her trembling fist and she gave him a weak smile, before she pushed her chair out and stood.

     Her eyes scanned the nearly empty pub. The maidens had turned the sign as Thor had requested, so she had no qualms about speaking her mind with fear of someone listening.

     "I know you all distrust and fear me as I have given you every reason too. Moreso now that I am no longer completely bound to my darkness." She held her unbound hand out and their eyes widened as they stared at the Loki's black mark, frozen and scarred into her wrist, but as the stones dropped on strings one by one, their eyes met hers. "I trust you all to do the right thing. Not for me or for your prince, but for Asgard and every man, woman and child that call this place home."

       She dropped the stones onto the table and they stared at them as Thor rose to his feet next to her.

      "I am not the person I was when I first arrived in your world. Many things have changes and though I do not expect you to believe my words or trust my intentions, I swear to you my only concern or agenda is getting my child off of this planet and to spare your precious home from the destruction of Malekith's army."

       Thor lifted his tankard and held high in praise as the others gazed among themselves. Athelia's gut twisted, but she was not surprised to see That Siff was the first to stand with her ale in the air.

     One by one they rose around the table, nodding and smiling when though they knew that what ever the two had planned could leave them dead, but they knew they had to do something and despite Athelia's darkness, they knew an alliance with the future Queen was better than sitting and waiting.

      Heimdall was the last to rise and when he did be smiled widely down on Athelia. He was proud of how far she bad come and though be still held a certain distaste for her, he gently tapped his tankard against hers before placing a stone around his neck.

     "What do you require of us?"

     Thor took Athelia's hand in his and squeezed gently in admiration, before allowing the group to sit. "What I'm about to ask of you is treason of the highest order. Success will bring us exile and failure shall mean our death. Malekith knew the aether was here and despite Bronen's hand in the ordeal, he would have found it as he can sense it's power. If we do nothing, he will come for it again but this time, he will lay waste to all of Asgard. We must move Freya off-world."

     "How donyou suggest we do that?" Siff asked, being the only one who had yet to put on her stone  "The bifrost has been shut down and the Tesseract is locked away in the King's vault."

      "There are other paths off ofAsgard." Heimdall explained. "Ways known only to a few."

     "One, actually." Thor corrected, doing his best to avoid Athelia's gaze. Though as the circle of warriors gasped and shook their heads in denial, Athelia realized quickly who he had been talking about and objected. "I'm sorry, Athelia."

     She clenched her fists as she stood to push back the pulsing in her fingers. "That's not the plan, that's not we discussed. Loki is not to have a part in this."

     "I agree with Athelia," Sif seethed, pulling her glare away from the woman in front of her. "Loki cannot be trusted."

    "He will betray you." Fandral insisted.

     "I know," Thor said, fumbling his fingers.  "But he won't betray Athelia and -"

     Siff stood quickly, slamming the stone on the table. "And what's to stop him from killing you and running off with her?"

    "Sit down," Fandral tugged her at cloak, but she pushed his hand away.

    "Lady Sif, I appreciate your concern, I truly do and I know you only have the best intentions, but j will not have you speak of my wife in such a way. Athelia has made her choice and swore her loyalty to the crown, if you cannot trust her, then I fear you cannot trust me." Siff froze as his words finally resonated with her. She knew there was no way to get him to see as clearly as she thought she had, but she still unwavering of her uncertainty. "I know I ask much of you and I respect any decision to walk away. I only ask that once you leave this room, that you speak of this to no one."

     Sif stared down at the Warriors, half expecting them to stand beside her, though they didn't. She stood alone, but not long enough to make a difference.

     "Well, what then?" Fandrall asked, taking the attention away from Sif. He leaned back into his chair and crossed him arms. "Freya is being guarded by a legion if Einherjar who will see you coming from miles away."

     "That is why we will not be the ones who comes for her." Athelia said as she gave Sif a weak smile, knowing she cared for the young girl. "I know you don't care for me, but I know you care for Freya. You all do and I need your help now to save her."


When Darkness Falls - LOKI - Book One (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now