Bare chested, huffing, muscles flexing.
A sight to be appreciated. Did I seem too much like a pervert?

I noticed how the football grounds eventually merged with the woods, the same woods that were behind my home.
A slight chill went through me at being so close to the forest even here.

A conversation rang through my mind.

"Do you guys have wolves here, I mean in the forest and stuff"

Kelly, a random girl who offered to guide me around the campus cracked a funny smile at my odd question, " The biggest thing you'll see in there would be wild boars perhaps. Wolves haven't been seen in decades around here"

I didn't realise we stopped walking until she called my name again. She looked at me, curiousity gleaming in her hazel eyes. She couldn't be right, could she?

"Are you sure?"

Now she had creases on her forehead, evidently confused by my questions.

"Ah nevermind Kelly, I just read some folklore about this town and thought they had wolves running around here", I forced out a small smile, "Thank you for the tour. I'll see you around."

She waved back as I made my way out of the campus.

"Hey Eric, over here!"

My attention was again on the guys playing football at the mention of this Eric guy.
It was the same blond guy that I met during my first town visit.

Slowly with anticipation, I approached the sidelines. A vague feeling of nervousness settled in the pit of my stomach as I was surveying the people playing. I could feel the stares on me. Questioning stares of 'who is she', 'is she someone's girl', 'that girl's hot'.

Hm okay the last one might've been a very narcissistic thought of mine running around.

One stare in particular got me staring back so intensely that people would think we were having a staring contest, rather than him playing football.

Demetri Frost caught my attention when he kicked the ball so hard in my direction that I had to swiftly bend my body to evade it.

A brown haired guy approached me and picked it up. "Hey, you good?"

I broke my staring contest with Demetri, eyeing the guy in front of me. He looked quite concerned but definitely amused.

"Yeah, it was nothing, no worries" I smiled, but it probably looked like a grimace.

"I'm Blake. Hennessy Blake" he put out his hand for me to shake. Blake seemed like a cheerful  and charming guy, he had tousled brown hair, golden brown eyes and olive tan skin. They shone like little gems in the sun.

I took his hand, abit shyly I must say. He might've seemed very friendly but he was also slightly intimidating. He smiled fully, showing off the one dimple he had on his cheek. Tell you what, even his hand was warm. A lil warmer than normal.

"Deidre Abrams. I'm new around here"

Oh was that a slight blush I was feeling creeping up my neck ?

"I can tell" Blake smirked, "It's been awhile since we've had such a pretty face around here"

I laughed, looking at him incredulously. This guy was a smooth talker.

"Blake man come on stop flirting with the girl and bring the ball back" some random guy shouted.

"Ahaha you better head back or they might strangle you. They look like they could", I joked.

He gave me a dimpled smirk this time, staring at me appreciatively. "I'll see you around then"

I watched as he jogged back to his friends, but one person still had their eyes on me. 

Demetri Frost.

The way he was looking at me, seemed like he was deciphering me. Like he was doing a puzzle and he had just found the missing piece. I had only met the guy once, but he seemed confusingly familiar. It felt like I knew him, but we were indeed strangers to each other.

At last, he broke the intense staring contest. As much as I hated to admit it, I heaved a small sigh of relief.

His eyes, stole my breath. And not in a good way. He made me anxious, made feel like I was in imminent danger of being eaten by a wild animal.

His sharp emerald eyes that I had seen countless number of times, but I wouldn't realise where or how.


AHHH I DID IT I UPLOADED QUICKLY. I'm tryna be consistent this time haha. UM those who read this thank you so much, you make me so happy. AHH if you liked it please vote or leave me comments of your thoughts. TYSM for reading ❤️

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